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Mason's pov
We started walking back, hand in hand, neither of us saying anything but it wasn't an awkward silence, no it was a comfortable silence.

"Mason" she whispered


"I love you" she said as we kept walking while looking forwards

I looked down at her, smiled and I took my hand away from hers and put it around her shoulders, "I love you too" I said as I gently placed a kiss on her head

As she put her hand around my waist she gave me a small kiss on the cheek to then placing her head on my chest, I just had few more minutes of this until we would be at my house.

Cam's pov
Me and Toby decided to watch a movie. "What movie do you wanna watch?" I asked Toby as I looked through Netflix

"Uhh, oh oh what about 'me before you'?" He asked

"Sure" I said while putting it on

Half way through the movie I saw Toby shift as if he wasn't comfortable, so I decided to put my arm around his neck to be able to give him a choice whether or not he would want to place his head on my chest, and he took that chance

As I was playing around with his hair while watching the movie he kissed my free hand which was on my leg before quickly saying "I like this, I like you"

As I placed a soft kiss on his head I said "I really like you too", I already knew we had already said this but it was nice saying it again

As the movie was a few minutes from ending I felt Toby becoming a bit relaxed and I also felt his body shift as i realized he fell asleep, so I picked him up trying not to wake him and I carried him to my bed before quickly going and turning of the tv and the lights and once I was done I went to bed

While I laid down and closed my eyes I felt movement in the bed before quickly feeling something soft being placed on my chest, I opened my eyes to find that Toby had put his arms around me and his head on my chest, so I put my arms around him, placed a soft kiss on his forehead before quickly saying "goodnight"


Time skip to the next morning

I woke up to find that Toby wasn't in bed anymore so I decided to stand up and go downstairs to then find Toby

I decided to sneak up on him, so I didn't say anything and instead while he was cooking I went behind him and put my arms around him to then place my head on top of his which made him jump a little

"Morning sleepy head'" he said while chuckling

"Morning, what you making, it smells lovely" I said

"Just some bacon and eggs"

"My favourite" I said

"That's why I made them" he said while looking up and leaving a kiss on my cheek, this boy would make me feel things that no one else was able to make me feel.

Your pov
I woke up to find that Mason was looking at me

"Morning beautiful" he said while brushing a piece of a hair off of my face before quickly placing a kiss on my forehead

"Morning" I said while kissing him on the lips.
Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm now writing on my tablet, I'll probably start writing on it for good but anyways if I haven't already said this then please go and read my new book called 'dna', thank you.

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