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After we had confessed our feelings for eachother we ended up being in bed cuddling while watching 'brooklyn nine nine" after a while I could hear Mason had fallen asleep, so I decided to turn off the TV cause we decided to watch it together,  we weren't dating or anything but I wanted to, but I'm not like those girls that move on someone else so quickly, as much as Jay had broken me I decided to go and talk to him face to face, so I got my phone and texted him.


Hey, can we meet up?

I got a reply back faster than the flash

Yes please

What about now?

Ye okay

By Starbucks

kay I'm coming

Alright cya then


I tried to get up without waking up Mason which I succeeded at, I went to the bathroom to get ready. I put on my blue Nike jumper, with my black leggings and my white converse. Put on a bit of mascara and headed out taking the house key's and leaving a note like usual.

When I got to Starbucks I saw Jay waiting by the front entrance, I then tried to speed up and said "hey, you okay?" he then looked at me with the biggest smile and said "heyyy, I'm fine you?" Which I replied to "ye I'm alright thx, lets go in come on" and he followed me like a little dog, we then ordered, he ordered a latte and I ordered a double choc frappucino and we sat down I then said "so I wanted to meet up to say I'm sry, I'm not gonna say why but I am" and then he said "I'm more sorry I never meant to cheat on you" I then said "lets both say the truth" and he said "you already know it" which made me react and say "bullshit come on just tell me how many girls?"

He then said while looking down "okay fuck just 2 and if you count that time when I was blackout drunk" I then said trying to calm "what did you do exactly?" he then said "with the first girl the one I've been texting just sending nudes to eachother, with the second one just having sex a couple of times but then I stopped" I then said with tears sliding out of my eyes "okay, well if we're confessing than I should too, bout a week ago, I got super drunk and did some shit without being able to control myself" he then looked at me upset and said "who?" I then quickly said "I can't tell you" he then quickly asked "what did you do?" I then said "if I told you then I would want you to tell me what you did, and I don't wanna do that"

As I was walking it was becoming harder and harder to see clearly since my vision was becoming blurry from crying, after a while I felt someone tap my shoulder to see it was Cam, I hadn't seen him in a while after the time him and the boys came and checked on me, he then looked at me and quickly hugged me while saying "oh no, y/n what happened?" I then cried even more and told him about what had happened a few mins later he then said "come on let's go to Mason and then we'll go to a party with the boys, that should make you feel better" I then nodded and we got in the car and in a few minutes we were at Mason's, when we got out and Cam knocked and Mason opened the door to see me with my face of stained cheek tears he then looked at Cam with a death stare and said "oi cunt what the fuck did you do to make her cry" before he could punch cam I got in-between and said "he didn't do anything actually he found me while I was crying" and Mason quickly stopped the punch and hugged me while asking me "why?" And I replied"dont worry, I'll tell you later"

After a while me and Mason got prepared to go to the boys while cam was waiting in the leaving room playing Fortnite on the PS4, I put on a bit of make up and I just kept the same clothes that I had today, I then went in the leaving room got my laptop out to play with Cam, which ended up being me carrying him every match after a while Mason came and said "jeez cunt are you actually getting carried by a girl, that's hilarious" which made us laugh, we then ended the match by winning.

We went to the party, there was swagger, Jaren, Toby, john, Ezra and of course me, cam and mason, after a while we arrived swagger said "come on guys let's get high" and rolled up a blunt one each, after we finished smoking them we decided playing truth and dare and Toby had the brightest idea to dare Ezra to kiss me we both said "how can I kiss my best mate" and Toby said "just fucking do it, if you don't do it now you'll have to do it with tongue, so 5...4...3.." and that's when Ezra kissed me for like 5secs, I could see out of the corner of my eye Mason staring at us with a death stare and then he stood up and walked out all pissed after a while I looked at Cam and mouthed "what happened?" And he just gave me a look saying I don't know, so I stood up and went outside in the back garden and saw Mason sitting admiring the stars so I stood next to him and asked "what's up" and he said "nothing" I knew it was nothing so I said "bullshit" as I sat on top of him I was shuffling around trying to get comfortable when i felt something poking up and I turned to mason and said "seriously mason" and he said while chuckling "I'm sorry if I'm a horny cunt" and I then turned around fully and kissed the fuck out of him before saying "dont be pissed cause me and Ezra kissed, it meant nothing to me" and then I kissed the fuck outta him while he was touching my ass so I then started palming his dick, all i know was that tonight was gonna be wild and I won't remember anything.
I remember taking part of the last paragraph from someone but I just don't know who, so if you recognise it can you please tell me so that I can give them credits for inspiring me, thank youuuu

I felt a bit generous and gave you guys two updates, I hope your enjoying this book❤️

-i also changed this chapter, just because I think I might've fucked up-

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