Cam's pov I dropped Mason off at his house before quickly calling his brother
"Oi Koby where are you?" I asked
"I'm at the warehouse, why?" He asked
"Stay there I'm coming" I said as I started walking back to my car before quickly starting it
"Err sure ight" he said
"Alright bye" I said as I hanged up
Time skip ~ 15mins
Cam's pov I parked my car and got out before quickly starting to walk in the warehouse
"Koby?" I called out
"Oi Cameron, what's up?" He asked
"Hey I've got a question, and I need you to be absolutely honest with me alright"
"Yea alright, what's the question?" He asked
"Okay listen to this" I said as I let him hear the voicemail that y/n sent me
"Oh I remember that" he said
"Perfect. Now, who was he saying 'i love you' to?" I asked
"If I remember correctly he said 'im in love with my girlfriend y/n' because a friend of mine asked him if he liked a girl" he explained to me
"So you would say someone edited this?" I asked
"Well yea cus he never actually said 'im love with you', so he didn't say it to anyone" he reassured me
"So you're telling me that nothing happened?" I asked again
"Yea why?" He asked as he took a hit from his fag
"Because somebody sent it to y/n, making her think mason cheated on her again which made them break up, so right now I'm here to find out what actually happen" I explained
"Oh shit" he said
"I'm coming with you, let's go" he said as he threw the cigarette on the floor stepping on it to turn it off
"Where?" I asked
"We're gonna get Mason and then you're gonna drive us to where y/n is" he responded as he kept walking to my car
"You really think she's gonna believe us?" I asked
"She's got to, I mean like I was an eyewitness" he said
"True" I said as we arrived to my car and we got in
"Alright where's mason?" He asked as he got in
"I think he's at his house, well that's the last time I saw him" I said as I started driving
"Koby please tell me you ain't making any of this up?" I asked
"I promise you man" he said
"Alright good" I said as I kept my eyes on the road
10minutes later
We arrived to Mason's house after a while and Koby got out the car to go get him, after a couple of minutes they both walked out and got in the car
"What's going?" Mason asked as he got in
"Next stop y/n's house" I said as I looked at him through the rear view mirror
"Why?" He asked
"You'll see" Koby then said
Your pov It was midnight, the boys were gone and I was alone, everything came back as I opened the balcony door and stepped out, over seeing the city, as I sat down the smell of weed over passed me, maybe maybe I was wrong and he was right. Maybe he never cheated on me, I decided to replay the voicemail, as I listened closely to it I could hear and feel that parts of it was edited
And I listened to it for a couple more times, I was wrong, that he didn't cheat on me, I decided to get dressed and go to the one place where I was able to think correctly
I put on my white jumper, with my black ripped jeans, with my black beanie and my dirty white converse shoes, as soon as I was done I grabbed my helmet and went down to my motorbike.
I got on my YAMAHA MT-125 - Louis Moto (for those who don't know what this bike looks like, I'll show you⬇️)
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I remember my grandpa gave it to me when I turned 18, because he knew how much I loved motorbikes, especially this one. Once I got on it I started it, and drove off in the deep quiet night. ______________________________________Okay so listen guys, so as I saw in the comments some people really don't want me to end this book but for the book to not end, I really need some ideas and I can't think of anything, so please if you have any requests just tell me and that would make everything better, okay thank youu, byeee I hoped you enjoyed this chapter :))