Family Tree.

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A few people are confused so I'll just explain it like this.

Jade & Ivory have 3 kids together and one on the way.




Tristan isn't Ivory's biological son but Reina died when he was a baby so he was brought up as if she was his real mother. (He knows who Reina is).

Before Rico died in the last book he had two kids with Asia

Rome and Eli. Rome was born after he died and Eli was just a baby.

Ohaji only had one kid and that would be Calvin, he had no more after that.

Julian A.K. A Cali is Anya's son and that was revealed in the last book when they were telling secrets and I gave a hint he'd be a big charachter in this book...

Alijah was brought up and raised by Silas because he assumed Ivory was dead, he didn't do it to be a mean person so I don't get were all the hate is coming from. But then again he should've of told her the truth so this situation would be easier to explain to her.

In my opinion everyone's wrong and right at the same time. Silas basically IS her father just not biologically but all that will be explained later on. I hoped this helps! I'm updating tomorrow.

Anymore questions?

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