Chapter Seventeen [Realizations]

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I'd just gotten to my parents home and I needed advice from my mother. Elias followed me up the stairs and he pushed open their door and we both stopped and stared at the sight in front of us in horror.

"Are you ready for me to tear that pu-" Jade stopped and looked at me awkwardly as he placed the whip cream behind his back and I covered my mouth and looked at my mother. Elias looked at the both of them awkwardly.

"So this is why you didn't cook dinner tonight" Elias mumbled awkwardly and I slowly backed up not daring to make eye contact with either of them as I walked out of the bedroom.

"We were gonna wrestle" my mother says covering her face as it turned red and I just shook my head. It's gonna be different having parents who are together considering I was raised to give no fucks and to just walk into a room.

"Yeah he was gonna beat it up alright" Elias groaned and I elbowed him as Jades eyes grew wide. I feel like if he wasn't dark skin he'd be turning red right now just like she was.

Elias and I awkwardly backed out and Jade quickly closed the door and hit the lock and I felt disgusted I mean aren't parents to old to have sex?

"You think my dad does that to?" I asked covering my mouth coming to a realization as we walked into Elias's room.

"I don't know he could or he could jack off a lot like Zaire no pussy getting ass" Elias joke and I punched him in the arm and sat on the bed crossing my legs. I needed to vent to someone and Rome was to busy playing nurse with Cal crippled ass.

Elias and I stayed quiet and looked at each other I assumed he was waiting for me to speak but I got caught up looking at his long eye lashes. My brother was a cutie with his skinny self and I knew if I told him that he'd threaten to back hand me.

"I told Marco about how I kissed Cali" I mumbled remembering how awkward that was. It'd been a week since all of that took place and I was single again.

"Y'all broke up though? Did he dump you when he found out?" Elias asked laying back on his bed and I joined him and scratched my eyebrow.

"Not exactly it was mutual, we both agreed I wasn't ready and there's way to much shit going on. We have a solid friendship and I consider him one of my closest friends but he can't be a full time boyfriend and focus on the whole drug thing" I shrugged and Elias sat up and raised an eyebrow.

"You told Cali or nah? I'm surprised he ain't all up under you" Elias asked curiously picking up his Arizona tea and I quickly punched him because I knew what he was doing.

"What? This is some good tea" he joke and I rolled my eyes and laid next to him and we both stared at his blue ceiling.

"You know the part of love and basketball when Monica realizes she's in love with quincy but it's to late because he has a fiancé and right when she's about to tell him how she feels the fiancé walks in and he introduces them and you can basically feel her heartbreak?" I asked and he looked at me with his mouth wide like he didn't understand what I just said.

"Nah but continue what you were saying,did that happen or something?" He asked and I sighed and rubbed my eyes feeling them water.

"Sort of and part of me wants to be happy for him and the other part of me wants to be selfish but I've come to realize that maybe I was in denial all along maybe I really did like him as much as he liked me" I mumbled and Elias started chuckling.

"Don't stress it you know he'd drop dead for your ugly ass so just take time to yourself and figure out what you want, don't just rush it because you want him to yourself only to realize you still want Marco" he mumbled flipping through his phone and I nodded.

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