Chapter Seven [The Truth Part Two]

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It had been two days since I talked to anyone besides Zaire and I barley talked to him we just watched movies and cuddled. I was going through different phases of pain and today I was sad and wished I'd never known.

I found myself getting off of the city bus and walked into the direction of "Riverside Casa" the group home Marco stays at. He's the only person I knew for sure didn't know about everything so he's the person I chose to vent to. I'd been ignoring Cali's calls because he hung out with everyone and he probably knew as well and I don't like being lied too regardless on if he wasn't suppose to tell me he still should've.

I'd never been on this side of town before and it was scary. Guys on corners looked at me funny and I found myself wishing I hadn't chosen to wear leggings and a crop top, but it was hot outside and I couldn't wear a sweater without passing out.

It was a Saturday around noon and I hoped he was there or else this would all be a waist and I'd have to get back on the smelly bus. When I came face to face with the medium sized building I felt a knot in my stomach as I walked inside and went to the front desk.

"Hello how may I help you?" Some lady at the front asked and I chewed my bottom lip nervously and glanced around.

"Do you know if Marco Davis is here? We have a project to work on for school and I needed to meet up with him" I tell her lying straight through my teeth and she smiled and nodded her head before glancing at her clipboard.

"Well Marco didn't sign out which means that he's still here, I'm Ms. April and I'll go see if he's in the kitchen or something that's his favorite place" she smiled brightly before walking away.

Moments later Ms. April returned with Marco eating a half a donut and holding a full one in his hand. When he got to me he handed me the full one and I took it and quickly bit into while he smiled down at me.

He wrapped his arm around me and I felt my stomach knot up as he led me out of the building and to the front before leaning up against the wall.

"What are you doing over here? You know how dangerous it is?" He asked crossing his arms and I sighed and took a seat on the steps.

"I wanted to talk in person your the only one I kinda trust at this point" I tell him and he sighed and sat next to me pulling his knees up to his chin and grinning at me trying to get me to smile but I wouldn't so he stopped.

"What do you want me to say? Ion remember my parents much but I know I'd wish to see them and talk to them to figure out why they did what they did but I can't, you can" he said nudging me and I shook my head.

"I know I should be happy and I'm not trying to sound ungrateful but I was lied to about everything and I'm having a hard time trying to pretend like everything's okay. They obviously didn't care about me enough because they went ahead and had more kids" I said feeling an ounce of hurt.

"Fuck all that, you got three people who probably love you to death. The pops you stay with now is crazy about you and I can tell by all the stories you tell me. If you ever feel like you aren't wanted with your actual parents you always have him and he'll always want you" Marco said growing serious.

"You think I should get to know my real parents after everything?" I asked and he grinned again. He smiled more than anybody I know and I loved that about him.

"I think you should do what makes you happy because that's all that matters, I care about you so whatever choice you make I'll support it just know it's not good to cut the hand that fed you, well in your case changed your diapers" he said as he turned his head sideways to look at me.

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