Chapter Twenty Four [Fate]

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"We gon do this shit quickly in and out, alright?" I said looking at Jesse and Eli and they both nodded as we looked off towards the house. I slide a mask over my face and we walked up the sidewalk to the house were some small time thugs named Marcus and Jacob lived who did the actual shooting.

They went bragging around about the shooting and people came back telling us. If you was gonna do something as stupid as this shit for one you wouldn't tell anybody and two you wouldn't sit around acting like everything was cool these niggas should of been running for they lives.

Eli and I stood on both sides of the porch and I watched as Jesse pulled his mask from his face and started pounding on the door loudly causing the door to swing open but I couldn't see who was there all I knew was that it was some woman.

I watched Jesse snatch her up by her hair and hold a gun to her head as he nodded towards the door and we followed him in, seeing about three kids looking at us afraid and two men ran around the corner with guns out.

"What the fuck is this shit? How you gone break in my house with my fucking kids in it" the man yelled and I glanced down at them starting to rethink it but only for a minute and then the guilt went away.

"Nigga fuck yo ugly ass kids, E take em to the back and turn on the Tv" Jesse said as I turned the gun on the men and ordered them to drop the weapons which they did in fear that Jesse would kill the woman.

I pushed the front door closed before pulling the mask from my face not seeing a need for it anymore and ordered the men into the kitchen as Jesse followed behind me keep a firm hold on the girl.

I watched him turn the stove on high as Eli walked back into the kitchen and looked at us. The room grew quiet and I observed the both of them figuring out that they weren't smart enough to pull something like this off without some type of help.

"That shooting that took place three days ago, who set it up?" I asked walking closer to the men and sitting in front of them.

"These are a bunch of lil nigga we don't have to answer to them" one of the men said smartly and all three of us started laughing before Jesse stopped and his face went straight again.

"Either you start talking of I'll burn this bitch face off, say I won't" he said through gritted teeth as he pushed her face closer to the burner and one of the mans eyes got huge while the other one didn't seemed bothered.

"I don't give a fuck, that's his wife and I'm not afraid of nobody you must not know who I am huh? I'm Marcus Kennedy bitch" he snapped and I stared at him blankly. I still had no idea who he was and I didn't give a fuck either, he wasn't related to anybody in any of the cartels so it didn't matter.

"Nigga shut up you ain't shit" Eli snapped firing a shot into his knee and he squirmed and let out a yell and I noticed him began to cry.

"Who set up the shooting, if you speak up you'll die like a man and your girl gets to live but if you don't those kids will lose both parents tonight" I told him and he seemed conflicted.

"So I'm gonna die anyway?" Jacob asked as he looked at Jesse who pushed his girl closer to the burner and she began crying and begging him to say something.

When he didn't speak up Jesse shoved her face onto the stove and because her face was wet with tears it made a sizzling noise and she screamed out. The man tried to stand and rush at him but I stood shoving him back down.

Jesse picked up her burnt face and threw her onto the floor as she cried and he walked over to the counter putting the knife to her throat and looked up at Jacob.

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