Chapter Thirty Six [From Boys to Men]

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Asia was in the middle of injecting her ass with something when we walked into the kitchen. I looked at Eli and he closed his eyes for a moment and held up his finger signaling us to give him a minute before he walked out of the kitchen.

I pulled up a chair where she was sitting as Marco pulled out his gun ordering her to drop the needle and she looked at us annoyed and did it. I could tell she was high on something already and this shit just made me sad.

Jesse walked over to the sink and poured her a glass of water and walked back over handing it to her and she took it from him with a shaky hand.

"Asia I don't wanna have to hurt you, so I need you to be upfront and tell me what I wanna know" I told her sternly as she began to laugh.

"You can't whoop me, I practically changed your diapers when you were a little nigga" she laughed causing me to grow angry so I back handed her across the face and she looked at me crazy.

When she stood up to try and rush me Marco shoved her back into the chair and she looked at us wide eyed like she was surprised or something.

"Shit is different now, I don't wanna hear nothing about the past, just let me know what I wanna know and we'll let you finish up what you were doing" I said with a shrug and she began scratching her arm while looking at me.

"What do you need to know?" She asked sounding spaced out. I didn't know if I'd get a real answer from her or not but it was the only thing I could think of right now.

"Where did Rico take Alijah" I said and she looked at me in complete shock like she didn't think anyone knew he was alive. So she must of known the whole time then.

Eli walked back into the room and look at us as he stood off to the side watching everything unfold. He looked like he was thinking about something.

"Child please Rico's been dead for a long time now" she said brushing it off and Eli stepped forward staring at her with a glare.

"Mama please don't lie, I don't wanna have to hurt you but I will" he said pulling out his gun and holding it to her head.

"You ungrateful motherfucker, I should've aborted your ass" she said growing defensive and he nodded his head take the gun off safety and she began scratching harder causing her wrists to began to bleed.

When I heard the safety being taken off and looked at him not knowing what to say, he was really about to do this right now.

"Eli please!" His mother begged grabbing a hold of her wrists so he snatched away from her keeping the gun pointed at her head.

"Please what? You ain't listen to me when I use to cry and beg you to get off the drugs so why should I listen to you now? You don't give a fuck about me because your selfish as fuck. I'm tired of this shit man" he said beginning to tear up.

"She's at the warehouse on thirty third street. It's isolated and doesn't have any buildings near it, your father would be disappointed Eli" his mother said and he nodded slowly lowering the gun but stopped.

"I came in this world alone and I'll die alone, I don't need him or you" he said pointing the gun between her eyes and she laughed sarcastically.

"Oh yeah well prove it" she snapped and he nodded pulling the trigger and I watched a bullet fly threw her head and her body slumped out of the chair and twitched.

Eli stood over her and continued to fire at her causing me to put my hand on his chest making him back up.

"She dead bruh, just stop" I said taking the gun from him and he stayed silent as he rubbed his eyes but no tears fell.

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