Chapter Three [Unconditional Love]

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"Pops why you always acting like that, you know you can send one of them hoes you mess with my way when you done with em" I said looking up from my homework as he was dismissing some girl. She looked like she was in her thirties but she was still bad.

"Do your homework, and worry about pulling them grades up so you can graduate and get up out my house" he snapped and I rolled my eyes. I was only a fucking sophomore he act like anything I do now really matters.

I watched as he walked away and glanced over at my mother who was cooking at the stove. My father and her had an open relationship and it's been that way ever since I could remember. They were suppose to get married awhile back but he changed his mind.

"Ma? You know you don't have to stay with him if you don't want to, I'll still love you, but if you ain't happy then leave" I tell her and she looked up at me teary eyed.

She wasn't my real moms but that shit ain't matter to me. She raised me and that's all that matters and I loved that woman to death, I'd die for her whenever.

"Baby I'm fine,just do your homework" she said and I looked at her for a second before nodding and looking away.

I wouldn't say my father is the reason I treat the girls I do I just do it. I don't have an exact reason.

There was a knock on the kitchen door and I glanced at my mom who looked worried. It was like 6pm on a school day and Tristan had left from over here earlier.

I peeked out the window and saw Cali leaned against the door smoking a blunt. When I opened it he walked inside and my mom looked him over.

"Julian what happened to your face?!" She asked coming over and he brushed passed her and put the blunt down as my dad walked back into the kitchen and looked at him confused.

"Blood what the fuck happened to you? Your pops still whooping your ass?" He asked growing mad and Cali shook his head.

"Nah, I just need a place to stay for the night so my mama don't start tripping on me" Cali said leaning against the counter.

"You can take a guest room bruh, you family you don't need to ask" I tell him before glancing at my pops who smacked his teeth but nodded in agreement. Cali walked passed me and headed up the stairs limping and I shook my head.

"It's always something with that boy, you need to look into his home life Ohaji" my mom said going back to the stove and he followed behind her.

"Jasmine that shit ain't my problem if he don't wanna say whats wrong with him what can I do? Obviously it ain't that bad if he still going back there everyday!" My dad snapped before grabbing his keys about to leave but he stopped and looked at me.

"Where you going?" I asked and he shook his head and he sighed before dropping his keys back on the counter.

"Nowhere, come smoke with me" he said pulling out a lighter and I nodded following him out. He already had a blunt lit and he took a seat on the steps and patted the spot next to him so I sat down.

He smoked it before passing it to me and I looked at him knowing he had some bad news cause he never let me smoke with him.

"Whats up pops, why you been acting so crazy lately?" I asked and he sighed and rubbed his temple like he was thinking hard about something.

"I got another baby on the way, how you feel about that?" He said glancing over at me and I wasn't in the mood to smoke anymore. I passed the blunt back and he started staring at me causing me to shake my head and stand.

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