Chapter Nineteen [Future King and Queen?]

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I laid upside down in bed painting my finger nails and listening to the bae August Alsina while bored out of my mind. Marco had went with my dad and Zaire to do some business and to make sure everyone was aware he was good now so that he wasn't attacked later on in for no reason.

I wanted to go with them but my dad was being over dramatic and saying that i'd just mess everything up so I had to stay home and do nothing, which I enjoyed somewhat. When I heard loud knocking on the front door it snapped me out of my thoughts and sat up cautiously wondering who the hell was at my house.

Slowly I got out of bed and walked to the door and tried to peek through the peephole but someone had ir covered. I sighed deeply and opened the front door reveling my uncle leaning against the door frame smiling at me all creepy like and before I could close it back he put his foot in the way and raised an eyebrow.

"What do you want old man? I'm still mad at you" I mumbled and he smacked his teeth and walked into the house heading straight for my kitchen so I quickly closed the door and followed right behind him wondering what he wanted. He was the last person I thought i'd see considering Rome told me he was out of town and Cal was all upset about it.

"I need you to do me a favor" He said opening the fridge and pulling out lunch meat and cheese and I squinted my eyes at him watching him move around my kitchen like he lived here. He was fearless and I admired that about him and wished I could be as careless as he was all the time.

"What kind of favor?" I asked folding my arms and he looked up at me with annoyance like I was suppose to just agree with everything he said without asking him any questions.

"Damn y'all ain't got no fucking mustard up in this bitch?" He asked and I smacked my teeth going to the pantry and pulling out honey mustard and tossing it to him quickly. I watched O smile as he began putting it on the bread along with the mayo and lettuce, not even gonna lie it looked good as hell.

"Are you gonna make me a sand which?" I asked hopeful and he looked at me like I was crazy before chuckling and turning away from me. I mugged him from behind and shook my head at how mean of a person he was. It made me wonder what he was like when he was younger.

"Any way back to business, I need you to help me with something really important and only you can help me with this but you can't say nothing to anybody else alright?" He said lowly like he expected someone to come around the corner and over hear us.

"Why me? and how important is this?" I asked and he smacked his teeth as he cut the sand which in half and slid me half of it. I smiled and picked it up taking a big bite out of my half as he did the same before grabbing a piece of paper towel.

"Look alright my organization is beefing with the Mexican Cartel and they real powerful and half of my associates are getting taken out and the only way to over power them is to what?" He asked quizzing me and I shrugged as I sat down and looked at him curiously but he didn't speak he just simply looked at me waiting for a response.

"What do you team up with another Cartel?" I asked growing annoyed by the lack of silence and he smiled and nodded.

"I'm teaming up with the Jamaican Cartel and that's why I need you're help" He said standing up and going back in the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.

"How am I suppose to help you? I know nothing about the drug business and my parents would kill me, you know how they are" I said rolling my eyes and he started laughing to themselves before pulling out his phone and typing something out while I watched him.

"You just like Jade annoying ass always asking questions, just go get dressed we got a plane to catch" He mumbled and I frowned at him wanting to know more but it was obvious he wasn't going say anything else. I walked upstairs and pulled on a pair of ripped jeans and a crop top before stuffing a couple things in a jansport backpack I had just sitting around.

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