Chapter Five [Growing Pains]

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Marco to the side>>>>


I went with my father to the grocery store to make sure he got what I wanted on the list and he was being an ass. He'd been nagging me all morning to get up and get dressed and then when I do it he decides to spend an hour cooking breakfast and another thirty minutes eating.

We pulled up to whole foods and I got out and slammed the car door before grabbing a buggy and walking ahead of him.

"Alright when your bowlegged ass get ran over I ain't gone say nothing" he called after me and I made a face at him before rolling my eyes.

When I got to the store there was a group of teenage boys hanging out in front ranging from white, hispanic and black. They all smiled at me and I rolled my eyes and continued into the store not feeling like being bothered.

"Dad I'm going to the cereal aisle, make yourself useful and go get some milk and eggs"'I tell him and he looked at me for a moment about to say something but decided against it.

"Keep that attitude lil girl and I'll take that phone you like to be on so much away"he said and I smiled at him trying to get back on his good side. I can't live without my phone I always have to have it on me.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned around coming face to face with a boy with short dread locks. He smiled at me revealing braces and I couldn't help but smile back even though I really didn't want to.

"Are you following me?" I asked noticing he was with the boys that were outside and he looked down with a slight smile on his face.

"Can I be honest with you?" He asked and I looked at him weirdly for a moment. He stepped closer to me revealing he was only a way taller then me but he was still really cute.

"Yeah sure go ahead" I tell him and he glanced behind him making sure nobody was here before leaning on my buggy.

"They wanted me to come in here and get your number because they didn't think I could and me being the person I am I just did it" he shrugged and I busted out laughing.

"You aren't getting my number" I tell him and his grin returned before he shrugged and walked away.

"Wait! That's it? I reject you and you walk away?" I asked and he stopped and glanced back at me not turning his full body.

"What am I suppose to do? You said no so I ain't gonna bother you anymore" he said and I awkwardly looked around and he looked at me strangely.

"Wanna help me shop until my dad comes back?" I asked and he raised and eyebrow before coming back. I observed his clothing consisting or an black LRG shirt and dickie pants with some sort of black bedroom shoes niggas in Cali seem to always wear.

"I'm Marco, whats your name?" He asked taking the cart from me and pushing it slowly as I picked up a box of frosted flakes and dropped it into the cart.

"I'm Alijah" I tell him and he nodded and picked up a box of fruity pebbles and showed me. I nodded and he dropped it into the cart.

"I ain't think you'd ask me to shop with you, not gonna lie this a lil weird" he tells me and I start laughing.

"I'm a weird person so get used to it" I tell him and we grabbed a couple of more things before heading to another aisle containing sauces.

"Either you rich or you got a lot of money on your food stamp card" he said and I started laughing.

"I guess you could say I have a lot of money, why were you with those guys out front?" I asked and he seemed to tense up a lil bit.

"I sell drugs with them to support myself" he said and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow as he placed ketchup in the cart

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