Chapter Twenty Six [Being Honest]

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"Ow gyal I said pick it out not comb my fucking hair out!" I snapped snatching the hair pick from Alijah's hands as I sat on the floor in the bedroom and she punched me in the shoulder before pulling my hair so that I'd look up at her.

"I'm doing the best I can do with one arm so be grateful because I could be home sleeping" she said with attitude and I smacked my teeth standing up.

I pulled at her legs making her lay back as I climbed on top laying on her chest and she groaned causing me to lean up some and glance at her shoulder.

"My bad I ain't mean to out weight on that side" I mumbled adjusting myself on top of her and she rolled her eyes at me.

"I don't even know why I'm letting you lay on me when your just gonna be a dick later on" she complained and I smacked my teeth.

"See you be ruining shit when you open your mouth, just go with flow of things" I tell her and she looked away breaking eye contact with me and picking up my phone and I quickly pulled it from her hands.

"Let me guess you got a bunch of girls in there and you don't want me to see it, right?" She asked pushing me off and I looked down at my phone as I received a text message.

"Nah I don't care if you see it or not because we aren't together I just don't feel like you getting all in your feelings and talking about cutting my dick off when you read the stuff in there" I shrugged and she rolled her eyes as she picked up her phone ignoring me.

We both ignored each other for a couple minutes while we replied back to the messages we'd ignored for the past hour and because I knew she was all in her feelings again and I planned on waiting for her to say something back.

"Do you ever see yourself being serious with me? Like when we're older taking this marriage thing serious?" She asked and I shrugged not knowing the answer to that. I think I'm to mean to be married I might make her cry and then not give a fuck and go on about my business.

"Why all this serious talk all of a sudden, you act like you got feelings for me or some shit" I joked and when she didn't respond I closed my eyes annoyed, fuck.

"You know what can we just forget this I'm getting a headache and Rome keeps blowing my phone up trying to apologize" Alijah said standing and I was fighting with in my self to say something nice to get her to stay but I couldn't.

"You don't gotta leave just because I don't want you" I blurted out and closed my eyes at her facial expression, God I'm trying to be nice I really am.

"No I'm leaving because we can't go half an hour without a fight, I figured out why I like to argue with you so much and I'm still waiting for you to figure it out" she shrugged and I bit my lower lip pulling her close by her arm.

"Nah I didn't mean it like that I'm not good with this type of shit, can you sit down" I told her and she looked at me for a moment before sitting and rolling her eyes, which wasn't even called for I could of just let her ass leave.

"What do you wanna talk about?" She asked and I thought for a moment before turning her face so she was looking at me.

"I don't know exactly it's like I'm real fucked up in the head and mean and all I'd do is make you cry. Like I love my little sister and I'd do anything for her but I'm still a dick just because I can't help it and it's my personality" I shrugged and she looked at me blankly.

"So? I kinda figured that since you've been mean to me since day one I just can't help how I feel it's just something about you I like" she shrugged and I looked down for a moment.

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