Chapter Twenty Three [Boiling Point]

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I woke up to loud knocking on my door and glanced at the arm wrapped tightly around my waist and slowly sat up and looked over at Jesse and covered my mouth. Oh my god what the fuck did I just do?

I debated on waking him up nicely and decided against it and shoved him out of the bed roughly and before he could snap on me I squatted in front of him and covered his mouth.

"Shut up I think my dads at the door and if you make me get in trouble I promise I'll shank you" I mumbled and he pushed me away and made a face.

"Stop breathing in my face you mouth smell like ass" he mumbled and I threw a pillow at him as he stood up and walked into my bathroom closing the door and hitting the locks. Why did I have to marry a fucking asshole?

I opened the door and Zaire was staring at me with a straight face and I wasn't sure on if he was mad or not so I laughed expecting him to laugh with me but instead he just shook his head and went to walk away but I grabbed his arm.

"Zaire why are you acting like that? Didn't you have fun last night?" I asked expecting him to be excited, I didn't see him during the party but he lives here so I'm sure he was there, right?

"Nah I wasn't here, yesterday was my birthday Alijah but you so selfish and worried about finding a nigga to love you, you don't even give a fuck about me anymore I don't even know why I still consider you my best friend when we don't even chill or talk like we use to. We don't communicate at all because you don't give a fuck. I've known your mom and brothers for almost six months now and there the only people who said happy birthday to me yesterday besides Silas" he said letting a tear escape and I took a step back feeling myself tear up.

"Zaire I'm sorry, I don't know how I forgot I just did but I'll make it up to you today" I begged trying to grab onto him and hug him but he shook his head and pulled out of my grip.

"Silas came home last night and the house was a mess but because I didn't want to see you get in trouble I took the fall for you and now I'm grounded until next fucking school year! Fuck your apology cause it don't mean shit, we ain't nothing anymore next time you need something go to Rome or whatever guy you like that week" he said walking down the hall and slamming his room door and I wiped my tears before they could fall.

I am a horrible person and I just lost my best friend because of how careless I am. I closed the door and frowned taking a seat on the bed and Jesse came out of the bathroom brushing his teeth and gave me a look removing the toothbrush from his mouth.

"What happened last night? We didn't do anything did we?" I asked and he walked back into the bathroom and spit in the sink before rinsing his mouth out and come back in the room.

"Nah I remember you telling me how horny you were so I gave you a back massage until you fell asleep" he shrugged gathering his stuff and I sat on the bed texting Rome.

"You think I'm a horrible person don't you? That's why your so mean" I said and he raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever you and that nigga got going on don't got shit to do with me, like I told you before I'm cool when I wanna be and mean when I wanna be" he shrugged sliding his phone back in his pocket.

"I'm gonna go talk to my dad" I mumbled and he gave a shrug as he laid back on my bed.

"Cal is on his way so I'll be gone in a little" he said as I closed the door behind me and walked slowly down the stairs and into the kitchen where my dad was cooking breakfast and watching news on the flat screen, I could tell he was upset.

I walked up behind him and hugged him from behind causing him to crack his last egg and toss it in the trash and turned to look at me causing me to take a step back and chew on my bottom lip nervously.

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