Chapter Fourteen [Words Hurt]

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Rome and I sat in my moms bed with her on Instagram and talking to her about our guy problems and she seemed excited, I don't think she has friends.

"So it's been two weeks and I hear Julian is talking to some girl with nice weave" I said flipping my hair over my shoulders nonchalantly trying to down play it. I didn't care though Marco and I were good.

"Calvin was talking about some girl he took out to the movies yesterday on twitter and posted pictures, she ain't all that" Rome said and my mom busted out laughing.

"You both are really to much, just say you care and go ahead and admit it to yourself" she said and I rolled my eyes, I didn't care she can have him.

"Yeah right the day I'll ever shed a tear over a nigga is when August Alsina gets married" I said truthfully and Rome busted out laughing covering her mouth because she knew it was true, just like they don't love these hoes we don't love these niggas.

"You are just like Jade it's so unreal, the scary part is there's apart of O's personality in there aswell" she said shaking her head and I made a face.

"It's good they're moving on though I mean you have Marco and I have Kyle" Rome fake smiled rolling her eyes a little bit. She met this white boy named Kyle who acted black and dressed fresh, he wasn't my type but he was cute.

"You do know they're downstairs as we speak getting advice from your uncle and Jade" my mom said and I squinted my eyes, oh.

"I feel thirsty all of a sudden" Rome said about to stand but I shook my head no and looked at her and she slowly sat back down.

"We both moved on and going down there is going to make it look like we want them which we don't, right?" I asked her and she bit her bottom lip and sadly shook her head.

5:43pm Marco- Where U at?

5:44pm Me- At my other parents house with Rome, why?

5:46pm Marco- I wanna see you tomorrow that's all, I miss my baby 😍

5:52pm Me- That can be arranged :)

I put my phone down blushing to myself and my mom took my phone from me and I tried to get it back. When she was done reading it she gave it to Rome and they both mugged me.

"This is a girls day you can't just be texting your boyfriend just cause y'all have a cute relationship" Rome said flipping her hair and purposely hitting me in the face with it.

"Flip that shit again and I'll break your neck" I snapped and my mom laughed as she got up and stretched.

"I'm about to go get the ice cream what flavor do y'all want?" She asked and I shrugged not caring, I eat almost anything eatable.

"Wait! Let us get it you sit and relax c'mon Alijah" Rome said and I shook my head, I don't want to go get it she must be crazy or something.

When I didn't move she snatched my arm and dragged me in the hallway and I pouted. I was comfortable and now she was about to make me have to do work and I wasn't even feeling that.

"I just wanna see Cal we don't have to say anything just walk into the kitchen" she pouted and I sighed, if she's trying to move on how is looking at him gonna help.

I glanced down at the sweat pants I was wearing and shrugged, they were a little to big but fitted at the same time and I was wearing Zaire's huge gray shirt.

"Fine lets go but I swear if Cali says something to me I'm kicking you in the face" I mumbled walking passed her down the stairs and she quickly grabbed onto my arm and walked behind me.

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