Chapter Twelve - Romeo & Juliet

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Marco was right, my dad was happy to see me but that didn't stop him from grounding me for a month for running away. I even got my phone taken away and I was stuck up in my room reading books and painting my nails.

I was excited when he let Elias and Rome come over because my birth parents were down stairs talking to him about boring stuff so we were upstairs just chilling with Zaire in my room.

"Oh my god! Look at this!" Rome said handing me her phone and I immediately starting mugging the picture I was looking at. I gave her the phone back and shrugged as I leaned back on the bed, Cali can be hugged up with whoever he wanted to be with because as far as I'm concerned after we had the argument anything we had before was over.

I tried to take the high road and apologize but he wanted to ignore me so I'm over it. Elias gave me a goofy look and laid next to me.

"This mean you done? You don't seem that hurt" Zaire said and I sighed, truth was I really wasn't. Before I thought I was crazy about him but he's acting like a dick and I don't want no bipolar relationships.

"She don't care cause she like Marco red ass" Rome said flipping her head over her shoulder and I threw a pillow at her.

"No you just want me to like him because you think we'd be cute" I mumbled and she pouted before her mouth got wide.

"I wish you could go to that party tonight, it's going to be turnt up" Rome said and I looked at Zaire who was trying to tell her not to say anything.

"What party? Nobody ever tells me shit" Elias mumbled getting mad, at least he could still go and wasn't stuck in his room.

"That's cause you ugly" Zaire mumbled.

"You fucking ugly boy don't come for me" Elias snapped getting mad and I started laughing, I'd discovered recently that my brother was bipolar

I climbed out of bed and grabbed Zaire's arm pulling him down the stairs with me interrupting my parents conversation. I stood behind my fathers chair and hugged him extremely tight.

"There's this party tonight and I was wondering if I could go, it's been a week pretty please I've learned my lesson" I begged and he turned to look at me as I did the puppy dog face.

"No you ran away for a couple of days and won't tell me where you went, you really think I'm going to let you go to a party?" He asked and I nudged Zaire.

"I'll be there Silas and you know I'll look after her she's been in the room for the past week" Zaire said stating a point. I looked to Jade and my mom for assistance but I could tell they were going to stay out of it.

"Alright but if you not home by ten your going into lockdown" he said and I kissed his cheek and ran up the stairs in excitement.

Rome was already in my closet looking for an outfit and I rolled my eyes. She's always complaining that I don't dress sexy enough when I'm only fifteen.

"You gone shave that furry upper lip right? Cause that ain't cute" Elias said and I covered my mouth and looked at him.

"It is not hairy stop being mean!" I yelled tossing a pillow at him and he chuckled and pulled me on the bed with him.

Rome pulled out a pair of shorts I only wear around the house because they show to much skin. Zaire took it from her and tossed it across the room, I knew he'd never let me wear something like that.

"I'm wearing my ripped jeans and a crop top so don't even think about trying to make me look like a whore" I tell her and she placed her hand on her hip.

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