Chapter Twenty Seven [Ghost From The Past]

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"We never be on no fun shit, like foreal our childhood is almost over and we on a fucking corner" Eli complained and I squinted my eyes trying to get the sun from out my eyes. He was right but what could we do? I was never really into doing childish shit i've always just followed behind my father.

"I wasn't gonna say nothing but damn i'm getting dark as fuck, Cal man we already dark skin" Jesse complained holding up his arm and I looked at mine and shook my head. I was a shade darker than my normal skin complexion. Wiping the sweat off my forehead I glanced over at Alijah and Rome having a heated conversation.

Rome came crying to me about wanting to get back together after sleeping with Jesse but I wasn't gonna do it, atleast not right now. Shit gets hard in relationships and out first problem she went and fucked one of my homies and than expect me to take her ass back like it never happened.

"You think we should take they big head ass with us? Or leave em here?" Eli joked and I looked over at them and they began walking towards us looking realived. The funny thing is when I told Eli what happened with Rome all he did was shake his head and tell me he wasn't involved just as long as I don't put my hands on her. If I had a sister i'd be the same way especially if she was acting how she was acting.

"Let's go chill at the mall with free air conditon damn" Jesse mumbled wrapping his arm around Alijah's shoulder as they walked to the backseat and Eli and I shared a look but didn't say anything. It was about fucking time though, done listening to them complain about eachother.

"I'm gonna go but it was good seeing you Cal" Rome mumbled and I grabbed her arm as Eli climbed in the back with Jesse and Alijah.

"You can ride to the mall with us, we been friends for forever and just cause shit ain't working between us right now don't mean you gotta act a certain way" I tell her and she smiled small as I opened the car door for her and she got in the passenger side.

Might as well go chill at the mall everything around here had been slow and my pops was acting weird and secritve so I know it was some shit that was about to go down.

When we got to the mall we went our seprate ways and Eli and I walked into a shoe store and he grabbed my arm making me duck down and I looked at him like he was crazy before he pointed to the front of the store and I shook my head.

"Since when did T and Cali become best friends?" I asked and he shrugged and we watched them chuckle spending money on a bunch of shoes and I know uncle J was strict on money and never would give him enough spending money to buy all that shit.

"These niggas wildin son, this is suppose to be your fam and he with the enemy" Eli said shaking his head and I smacked my teeth looking at him.

"Nigga they just buying shoes, you act like they stabbing me in the back or something" I said looking at him like he was crazy and he chuckled lowly before looking at me.

"Never fuck with niggas who fuck with people you don't fuck with because they talk and your the topic of discussion, family or not" Eli said and I nodded my head as I looked around for a moment as they walked to the register.

"Lets get the fuck out of here, we'll discuss this later with J" I shrugged and he nodded following me out. Now I had to watch what I said around my own cousin, but then again the whole thing could just be innocent and we jumping to conclusions over them shopping.

"You know what Bruh" I said stopping once we got out the store and Eli stopped and turned around signalying me to keep talking. "Cali's mom and brother got killed last week and he swore to my father he didin't do it when he asked him about it, but he don't look hurt he in there spending money and shit like he balling like that" I mumbled as it all clicked.

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