Chapter Ten [Hurt Feelings]

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Everybody was so quiet and I didn't know what to say. I'd never seen my uncle cry before and I'd never seen my father this upset. My auntie baby died and I felt so bad she was just laying there not saying anything.

"Y'all okay? Y'all hungry?" I asked Moriah and Elias and Elias shook his head and got up walking out of the room and Tristan followed. Moriah continued to look up at me so I stood up and pulled him out the door with me.

"Was it my fault, cause I don't talk?" He asked with his voice sounding horse. I squatted in front of my lil cousin who looked terrified and shook my head.

"Nah lil cousin it's just gods plan you ain't do nothing wrong and you not to blame, alright?" I tell him and he nodded a little bit.

"Your promise it's not my fault?" He asked again and I looked at him again. He still looked terrified and I ain't know what to say to him.

"Who said that? Who said that shit and I'll go beat em up" I tell him being serious cause I know Elias or Tristan said something and they not about to make him feel bad about shit that has nothing to do with him.

My lil cousin has bipolar disorder and tried to kill himself awhile back and he just turned ten. I'm real emotional about that type of shit and the fact that he don't talk scares us all cause he holds so many of his emotions on the inside and we don't know whats going through his head.

"Tristan said something" he said looking down and I smirked and nodded before standing up and wrapped my arm around his shoulder as we walked to the elevator.

"Don't even worry about cuzzo I'm about to handle that shit later" I tell him and he smiled small.

We ended up going to mcdonalds and I let him get what he wanted and he sat down and ate. A couple minutes later Cali walked in and dapped me up, I guess my nigga is still there when it counts.

"We need to discuss a few things cause this shit ain't working out, I understand you happy but you getting me into trouble and this shit ain't cool" I tell him and he nodded understandingly.

"I see what your saying and I have been slacking but all that's gonna change and I'll start handling my business like I'm suppose to" Cali said glancing down at Moriah who was eating silently. I knew he wouldn't talk cause Cali was sitting right there.

"You not gonna talk to me lil nigga? Not even if I brought you something?" Cali asked Moriah and he reached into his pocket and handed him a bag of skittles. Moriah took it and smiled pushing his burger aside and opening the skittles.

"Thank you" he mumbled stuffing skittles in his mouth and Cali started smiling big as hell. I'm glad I got him away from that hospital room cause that shit is to depressing.

"Whats good with you and Rome? She was subtweeting you calling your dick small and all that" Cali joked and I shook my head mentally rolling my eyes. I was about to smack this bitch and diss her crack headed mama.

"I don't want her she foreal be doing the most and she about to make me mad as hell with her hoe ass, what about you and A" I said not wanting Moriah to know who we were talks about.

"We taking shit slow, but it's all good that's my baby" he joked and I shook my head. I looked down at the text from my pops letting me know that I was babysitting Moriah tonight.

"That's whats up, she know about all this?" I asked and he shook his head no. Moriah snapped his fingers and we both glanced at him as he pointed to Tristan and Elias walking towards us.

I mugged them as they sat at the table with us and they both looked at me confused. He lucky we in public cause I'll take off on his fuck ass.

"You say some dumb shit to him again and I'll beat the fuck out of you" I tell Tristan eying him and he smacked his teeth and brushed me off.

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