Chapter Thirty Four [The begining of The End]

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I watched Rico pour acid in a mans eyes as he screamed out like a bitch begging for mercy. I didn't know what he had done to deserve such harsh treatment but I didn't care either, I actually wanted to be the one to torture him just because.

"So what'd you wanna talk to me about?" I asked patiently as Rico looked up at me almost as if he forgot I was in the room and pulled out his gun firing a shot into the mans head to get it over with. I could tell he'd become annoyed with his cries and wanted to get down to business.

"You've been sloppy as fuck and they're on to you, how the fuck did you almost get caught? You almost let a bitch take you out?" Rico said back handing me across the face making me fall onto the ground.

His hard eyes stared at me with disappointment and annoyance like I was a pest that was fucking everything up. I could feel a tear in my cheek and when I glanced at his hand I noticed he was wearing rings and he'd no doubt cut me.

"I didn't know they'd find me, you aren't exactly doing a good job at staying in hiding either" I said sarcastically and he pulled out his gun towering over me as I sat on the ground looking up at him for the first time ever showing an ounce of fear.

"You still a scared little bitch who got a little taste of power and is going crazy, I should just end your waste less life, but I like you to much" he said slowly lowering the gun with a smirk.

He walked away from me and towards one of his security guards and whispered something in his ear. Next thing I knew the door swung open and in walked Eli and Rome's mother Asia who I'd only seen a couple times.

Eli always kept her a secret from everyone who didn't already know her and now I know why. I laughed watching the skinny woman walk over to Rico scratching her scalp filled with thin hair.

He bit his lower lip and looked at her growing saddened as he grab a hold of her neck startling her. She let out a whimper trying to get him to let go and just when I thought he was about to strangle her he brought her face to his kissing her lips.

So she's his weakness huh? I watched as he pulled away and said something lowly to her before handing her a small Baggie containing cocaine and she scurried off like a kid on Christmas who'd just received what they waited all year for.

"She's beautiful, Eli looks just like her" I said standing and fixing my dress shirt as Rico turned to look at me as if to ask how I knew she was his mother.

"He still cool with O son right?" Rico asked and I nodded my head as I pulled at my facial hair wondering how I was going to use all this to my advantage.

"I wanna know why you faked your death? It's the least you could tell me since your my mentor" I shrugged curiously as I took a seat in the chair.

"Notice how it's referred to as The Scott Organization? I'm a made man and I don't work for anybody. I wanted the money and the power just as much as they did and O was being selfish taking most of the profit for himself and cutting everybody off small fractions Jade just didn't give a fuck as long as he was making money and Don and Silas were his puppets" Rico said taking a seat and I watched him light a cigar.

"But I looked at some of the files, Jades bringing in ten million a week worldwide, I'm not understanding it" I said sitting up and he began to laugh.

"Yeah ten million a week seems like a lot but as you expand over the years and own half of the drug rink in the United States you bring in way more than that. Last month alone there organization made a hundred million and after everybody gets paid off, you do the math and see how much goes into O's bank account" Rico laughed bitterly as my eyes nearly popped out of my head.

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