Chapter Two

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I awoke from my tree limb bed to two birds chirping above me. I yawned, and stretched out my back, causing a pop to sound. It was loud and sent a short wave a pain up my spine. I don't remember when the last time I slept was, but I didn't question it. I stretched out my feathered black wings and stood. I glided down to the forest grass and headed towards the lake.

I was known as being the Lord of the dark forest. I prefer protector, but honestly I don't mind. My job is to, well, protect the dark forest. The dark forest is filled with mythical creatures, many of them close to extinction. I simply protect them, as well as people form the near by village. If a child go in, a Manticore wouldn't think twice about taking them as a snack.

"Lord Anxiety." I halt at the formal name the forest creatures call me. I glance to the side, my purple eyes glowing in the dark. A tall pure white unicorn with a pale purple mane and tail walked forward, a baby unicorn beside her. The baby had a bandage on his leg, from where a hunter tried to capture him yesterday. "My son wishes to repay you."

The baby unicorn picked something up and held it towards me. Gratefully, I took the object. It was a crown of sticks. They swirled around beautifully, and tied carefully with blades of grass. A small smile spread on my face.

"Thank you. I'll wear it with care." I answer and put it on my purple hair. I did have a crown, but it was heavy so I only wore it for formal occasions. And the stick, naturally made crown was more appealing to me. The baby unicorn seemed so happy. They pranced happily and nuzzled their mother before walking into the brush.

Once they were gone I continued my walk. It was so calm in the forest. I loved it. So much better than before.

I stopped at the lake and leaned down. I scooped up a handful of the water and drank. The water was mystical. It sensed what it was being used for, and adjusted itself for said use. After my drink I flew up to check things out.

I stretched out my huge black wings, fluttering the wings before flapping and taking off into the sky. The cool morning wind blew through my hair. As much as I wanted to enjoy my fly, i had a job to do. I went down just above the trees, looking for trouble. Once the forest was checked, I went to the perimeter.

The forest was medium sized. It wasn't huge, but it was enough for us to live in. However, people always tried to go in. They tried to cut down trees to make a village, and travelers and hunters stopped to try and take a creature. Although, sometimes humans would simply get lost, like my friend Patton, so I'd turn them around.

While I looked around I saw a little girl walking towards the forest. She looked are five and she carried a basket. She was getting too close to the forest line. I put a thorn barrier there, but that was only to keep people out.

I flew down and landed a few feet in front of the girl. "A bit too close kid." I spoke, my voice void and a bit raspy.

The girl looked up and stared. I expected her to scream but she smiled. "Wow, you has flappers!" She exclaimed. She had black hair and sparkling light blue eyes. She wore a light blue and white dress with black shoes.

"You're too close to the forest." I repeated. "You can't play here, too dangerous."

" for Mama." The girl whimpered. "Mama sick, Papa say flowers will help."

"If I help you pick flowers will you go home?" I frowned, running my hand over my face, avoiding rubbing my hand over the coal eye shadow I made. The girl seemed pacified and nodded, a big grin spreading.

"Yes! I is Hannah!" She stated.

"Virgil." I respond sharply. The rest of the morning I helped her gather colorful flowers. Around noon she finally headed home.

Sighing and flew back into the forest, heading to a small meadow where I often meet Patton. Patton was a village man. He was taller than me, strong, and fatherly. He had slightly blonde-brown and big blue eyes that sparkled, framed in black glasses. He commonly wore a white button up with a blue best, and another grey shirt around his shoulders. His pants cut off at his knees and normally beige. His shoes were those of any village man, or so he tells me.

I sigh and land in the grass. Small purple flowers littered the grass, and fireflies danced around.

"VIRGIL!" Patton's voice called to me and before I know it, I'm tackled into the grass. Patton was the kind of person that couldn't hurt a fly, and a fly couldn't hurt him. Everything loved him almost instantly. "I brought some leftovers from the bakery. Want some?"

I didn't normally eat, but Patton's baked goods with a slice of cheese is so good. My stomach growled and Patton giggled, letting me up. I stood up and stretched. I feel like someone just cut down my thorns, but ignore it while Patton set things up. Suddenly he screamed.

"Ahhhhhhh! Creepy crawly death dealer!" He continued scream. I'm pretty sure the whole forest could hear him.

Before I could get rid of the spider two men broke through the brush. One looked like a teacher, the other a Prince.

A/N Chapter two finished! Fun fact, I wrote this after a panic attack. Do you think I'm portraying them right?

*I also don't know if I'll have internet tomorrow to post this chapter, so I'm posting it now.

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