Chapter Sixteen

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Warning: Mild Nudity

After talking with Anxiety, no, Virgil, I felt a lot better in a odd sort of way. I walked back too the others, we ate, spoke a bit, and then separated too our own tents with our partners. Once in the safety of the tent I sighed.

"Logan, how do you feel about Patton?" I asked dumbly.

Logan looked lost in thought, silence filling the air while we altered our clothing for sleep. Finally, he spoke. "Ad you're aware I am not good with emotion, in fact I too have found myself questioning my feelings over the bubbly male."

"And?" I asked, laying down.

"My conclusion is as follows: Patton is a good person with a bubbly, rather adorable personality. I believe I like him very much, but I wish too learn more about him too further such research." Logan laid down as well, slipping his glasses off. He turned towards me. "Enlighten me, why do you ask?"

"Do you think its...its possible for a Prince too end up with a Lord that rules over darkness?" I asked, meeting his eyes. He was nearly blind without his specs, but I knew he understood my seriousness.

"Human kind is very stupid Roman." Logan began. "Or rather, maybe not stupid actually because they have come a long way. Regardless, humans are a species that should have been killed off long ago, but we humans have found ways too survive. We're resilient creatures that, if nothing else, are able too adapt quickly too new things, and bend them too our favor. That being said, in all honesty I do believe a Prince and Lord of Darkness-" Logan rolled his blue eyes. "Have a chance of being together, be it in friendship or for procreation purposes." A short silence. "If that is all, I require my 8 hours of rest. Goodnight Roman."

"Goodnight." I whispered, looking at the ceiling of our tent.


I lay in my tent for most likely an hour. Sleep wasn't coming too me. Sighing, I pulled myself up and crawled out. The sounds of my sleeping party echoed in the small clearing. It was a warm night, the air warm while a cooler breeze danced around. The sky was a beautiful midnight blue, pale yellow stars dotting across it. The moon was almost full, decorating everything in a beautiful sliver hue.

I inhaled, and sighed when a voice caught my attention. It was beautiful, deep but at the same time calming and soft.

-Remind me of a time~
When things weren't so com-pli-cated
All I need is too see your face!

Without a second thought, I followed the voice. I knew, logically, that I shouldn't leave camp but-

- Mind my air, mind my air
All I gotta keep-keep on Breathin!

The voice lead me too a small moon lit lake. The moon reflected down on the surface, turning the cold, clear water a stunning silver. Standing in the water a bit out stood Virgil. Pale skin lit up, and damp purple hair reflective. Having not noticed me, he continued too sing. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his voice.

-Just keep breathin, and breathin and breathin and breathin and breathin. And all I gotta keep-keep on  breathin!!!

I started singing with him. He whipped around and gulped audibly. Before I could speak another word, he covered his body.

"What are you doing?!" Virgil growled, purple/brown eyes narrowed.

"I heard you singing. Whats y-y-y-y-y-YOU'RE NAKED!!!" I shrieked, I mean exclaimed, realizing his body was bare of the dark clothes he was usually in.

"I'm taking a bath! Of course I'm naked! Turn around!" He demanded, wrapping his winds around his body too hide it.

I complied, and turned around. It changed nothing, as i had already seen it all. His chest was surprisingly toned, and pale. Even in the dark I'd noticed a number of scars that littered his torso, and outer thighs and biceps, as if he fought often. But they weren't ugly, in fact they were oddly beautiful on him.

"Okay, I'm dressed." Virgil sighed, sounding exhausted. "Good grief."

"Sorry. I heard your singing and wanted too know if it was mermaids singing or something." I partially lied, having known it was male.

"You do not want too hear a mermaid sing. Trust me." Virgil huffed, shaking water from his hair.

"Well, you sing very nice." I complimented.

"W-whatever. Lets get back too camp. Its dangerous out here." He walked past. I smiled a bit and followed.

"I hope I can hear you sing again sometime Virgil." I smirked at him, watching a blush spread on his pail cheeks. That said I walked past and back too camp, feeling oddly accomplished. "Goodnight Virgil." I winked.

"Prince Moron." He pouted, watching me crawl into the tent.

With a chuckle I laid back down and this time, I easily dozed off, thinking of purple/brown eyes glowing in the light of the moon.

A/N Song Virgil was singing: Breathin' Cover by Thomas Sanders feat.Foti

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