Chapter Twenty-Three

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I woke with a start, the previous events flashing through my mind. The snake guy. Magic. Virgil passing out. Yellow mist clouding the meadow.

Anger pumped through my veins as I pushed myself up and looked around. The Dragon Witch, Wicca I believe, was pacing furiously, eyes clouded with what I could only assume was thought. Patton was helping Logan stand, while the twins and Val were waking up the other three. But Virgil was gone.

"Wicca what happened?!" I asked standing up on dizzy legs.

The short dragon frowned and held out a crumpled letter. "I do not know child. This was all I had found in my wake."

I looked down and read the front. "Liesenburg." I muttered. "Everyone gather!" I ordered, smoothing out my clothes and running a hand through my hair. "Logan and I are going to Liesenburg to save Virgil. Valerie, Missy, Pranks, I want you at the castle with the Scientists and my father, protect the castle-"

"I'm coming too!" Patton said, a father like tone that meant there was no arguing. "I'm not a royal guard, but I know my way around a sword if its needed."

"Very well." I said. "Wicca, you know where Liesenburg is, and you hold a lot of magical abilities. I beg of you, help us."

"Calm ye self child." Wicca raised her hand to stop me. People liked stopping me today. "I was coming with ye anyway."

I held back a sigh of relief. "Thank you. Now then, you guys go home."

"Patton take my spare!" Missy yelled, throwing a sheathed sword at the shorter male.

Patton caught the sword with ease. "Thank you. Wicca, a ride?"

"Of course." I watched as the woman's body was encased with magic. The magic grew until a large dark blue, and paler blue dragon stood in her place.

"Thank you." I rubbed her side before jumping onto her back.

"Hold onto my scales!" Wicca ordered before her wings spread, and she took off.

"Just hold on. I'm coming Virgil."

To Be Continued.....

A/N Sorry this one is short too. Think of this as a mild filler. I couldn't sleep and ended up making the skeletons for the remaining chapters so don't worry it will get finished, updated every Friday as usual. Except for today because I just felt like updating.

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