Chapter Twenty-Four

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Warning: Domestic Violentce, crying, and blood.

*Flashback Dream*

I hummed as I danced through the rain. It felt so nice, the cold stormy droplets across my pale skin as I played. My black hair tickled against me and my wings fluttered behind. Spreading the black feathers, I swooped into the air. The cold, wet air  splashed against me, slightly tickling me and making a bit of a giggle leave my throat.

"Mama! Papa!" A sobbing Voice screamed through the air.

I stopped and looked around, hiding behind some trees. On the forest floor was a little boy. He was dressed in black and gold, fancy clothes with a snake emblem, even when they were covered in mud I knew they were high quality, making me nervous in my own hand sown black clothes. He had black hair and tear filled eyes. Half of his face had scales, and he  had a single yellow eye. Gulping, I walked out of the trees. He didn't look any older than myself, and if he tried anything I would fly away. When I reached him, I spread out my wings, hiding him from the rain.

"A-Are you okay?" I stuttered, black hair hiding my eyes, but I could see him.

He sniffled and wiped his eyes. "I-I got separated fr-from my parents. I'm scared. The forest is scary!" He started sobbing.

"Oh uh it's alright!" I panicked. "I like here, there isn't anything dangerous."

"There isn't?" The boy wiped his eyes and sniffled.

"Nope!" I smiled shakily. "I'm Virgil, I'm a whole ten years old."

"Me too! My names Prince Dolos From Liesenburg, but you can call me Dolos." The boy, Dolos, smiled brightly, sharp teeth being seen in the dim light. I smiled back and helped him up.

After the rain stopped I helped Dolos home. His Mother and Father were so happy Dolos had made it home, and invited me to the castle whenever I wished. It was fun, playing with Dolos on the castle grounds. As the years passes, I found myself falling in love with Dolos.

One night, at the age of 15, as we looked up at the moon, I sighed. "Dolos," I muttered, anxiety bubbling up in my chest.

"Hmm?" The scaled man hummed, looking over with his young Basilisk, the size of a Python, wrapped around his torso. He smiled at me, both eyes staring at me softly.

"Dolos, as long as we both live, I'm yours." I promised, face heating up as I blurted out the sentence. "I uh love you so..." I muttered, flinching when his gloved hand cupped my cheeks, forcing me to look at him.

He was smiling softly. "I love you too, my angel." He whispered pressing his lips to mine. Slowly, I relaxed into the soft kiss, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and kissing back.

Everything was wonderful after that too. Dolos was still his polite, cute, sweet self but as his parents died and he rose to King he changed. He started researching Dark Witch, and Beast magic, even going so far as asking me for Dark Fairy magic. Of course, I denied him as Dark Fairy meant I'd loose my wings. He said he understood, but the anger that burned in his eyes showed that he didn't in fact understand. After that he started drifting until one night I found him in the Throne room.

"Dolo-" I froze in the doorway, eyes wide. A dark golden magic was radiating off oh his as he sat in his throne, a sinister smile on his lips.

"I did it my Angel." Dolos chuckled. "Now, Now I have the power to control, not only our kingdom, but the others. With you by my side, I'm unstoppable."

"No!" I screamed, biting my lip until it bleed.

"No? Oh my darling, thats just the Anxiety talking!" Dolos scoffed, standing from his seat. He walked towards me with purpose. He gripped my shoulders, hard, and smiled down at me. His eyes were dull, not soft as they used to be. "Now, you will be my queen. Yes?" He hissed.

"No!" I shook my head, pulling away. He sunk his nails into my arm. When I pulled away he scratched me, and I felt blood seep out from my skin. Whimpering, I held my injury. "No Dolos! You've changed, and I don't like it!" I hissed.

He glared. "You said you were mine! As long as we're both alive remember?!" Dolos growled, stomping towards me. "Maybe I've been too gentle, if you're mine, I'll have to train you."

"W-Whatever you're thinking...Do-Dolos...No!" I backed up but eventually hit a wall. He started hitting me, kicking me into the wall, yelling at me.

Slap. Punch. Kick. Kick. Kick. Scream. Punch. Punch.

He finally left, probably thinking I passes out. I watched the shadows as he and his Basilisk walked out of the room, leaving me a bloody puddle on the floor. Holding back a sob, I pushed myself up. Put of some miracle, he left my wings alone. I walked to the window, pushing it open. Glancing back, I leapt.


"I'm coming Virgil!" A voice echoed in my head.

"Roman?" I whispered, voice dry and cracked, lifting my head. Sadly, I saw nothing. I was in a dark room, chained to the bed. "Roman." I whimpered out.

To Be Continued...

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