Chapter Five

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"Gitchy Gitchy goo means I love you!" I sang while taking a bread pan of cinnamon rose bread out of the oven. I danced around the store to put the loaf on display, still singing because it made me happy! "Bow chica bow wow, thats what my baby said! Mow mow mow-"

The bell to my shop rang causing me to stop. A grin spread. "Welcome!" I paused and looked at the customer. "Oh! You're that man that was with the Prince. Logan wasn't it?"

"Uh yes." Logan walked forward.

"Well, what can I do ya for, Lo?" I ask while wiping some flower from my face.

"A blue berry muffin should if you would. However I came to speak with you." Logan said, pushing up his glasses.

"You came all the way here just to talk to me?" I smile, getting the muffin and bagging it. "Well, what did you want to talk about?" I asked and handed him the bag.

"Your..friend in the woods," I snapped my head up and stared at Logan. I frowned, thinking he was about to talk bad about Virgil. "He watches over the Dark Forest, meaning he must see something good in it. I wish to study the forest and bring it into light. The King Permitted it, however he wants that, self proclaimed, Lord's permission."

"He's not self proclaimed!" I pouted, upset by his words. "V-Anxiety protects the forest from people, and people from the forest. The Dark Forest's creatures asked him to be their leader. Please show him some respect."

Logan looked surprised by my tone. The scholarly looking male coughed into his hand and smoothed his tie. "I see. My-My apologies."

"Well, as long as you apologize!" I beam, smoothing out my dark blonde hair.

"As I was uh saying," Logan swallowed. "The King wishes to speak to the uh Lord. If you would inform him of the highness' invitation it would be a relief."

"Well, I can ask him, but I don't know if he'll come. He doesn't like being around a lot of humans. Especially royals." I shrugged and finished the cleaning.

"Thank you." The assistant said, handing over payment. "If I may ask, how did you meet that Lord? You're as different as day and night."

I took the money and put it in the registrar. This question brought back those memories. I smiled a bit and leaned on my hand. "Well~"

~Three Years Earlier~

I was picking flowers near the forest. A song was in my throat as I worked, collecting the vibrantly colored flowers so I could decorate my room, and house. Suddenly towards the forest a heard a sound.


It sounded like a puppy. I wasn't sure If It was hurt, or not but I was worried. I rushed to the forest. Back then the forest didn't have Anxiety's gate of thorns, as he didn't see a reason too. I made my way through the forest, following the sound. It sounded like the puppy was running all around me. I got a feeling of nervousness and fear and soon I was lost.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"  I screamed out, but nothing came. I walked further in, and I saw it.

A creature stood in the dark, watching me. It was tall with pale white skin stretched over its body. Dirty, blood stained with fur ran up the creature's legs to their hips. Eyes were sunken in, a glowing yellow dot in the holes of its skull. From its head was long, thing, greasy black strands of hair, and thick antlers.

I felt all the air get sucked from my lungs, and I just froze. The whine sound came from the creatures throat. It got louder, so loud I held my ears and closed my eyes tight.

"That's enough. You've scared the man enough." A exhausted, deep voice caught my attention and the noise stopped. I peaked opened my eyes. Anxiety stood in front of me, arms crossed and a frown. The creature made another noise and ran off. Anxiety turned towards me. "You should leave. This forest is dangerous for someone like you."


"After that, I went to the forest every day until he became my friend." I ended. "He told me that creature was a young Windigo, and that I scared it. Funny ain't it?"

"In some sense I suppose." Logan answered, have been taking notes the entire time. "Well, I should be going. Thank you for your help Patton."

"Bye! Come by again!" I grinned happily, watching him leave. "I have a feeling, something good is going to happen soon." I hummed, turning to the kitchen.

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