Chapter Four

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"Absolutely not!" My father's words echoed through the nearly empty thrown room. His arms gripped arm rests, and his face twisted in rage. My father was a normally calm, and sweet man that thought all ideas were good ideas, so seeing him mad was a shock to say the absolute least. "What could have possessed the both of you to think the Dark Forest needs exploring. I expect this from Roman," Ouch. "But you Logan? I thought you'd be more logical."

"My Lord," I glance at Logan as he talks. "The Dark Forest has a Lord," A scoff left my mouth. "That protects the forest. I believe that if our kingdom could come to terms with this man we can learn about the Dark Forest without getting hurt, and if we can convince the Lord of the Dark Forest to be our ally perhaps the kingdom would be safer."

I looked from Logan, to my Father. The man cupped his chin in thought. His eyebrows knitted together, turning Logan's words in his head. "Alright, I will think about it."

"Yes!" I grined and looked at Logan, who had a small smile.

"But," my father continued, cutting us off. "If I do agree this Dark Forest Lord must also agree to this. I will not just trespass because you two are curious. Now then, Roman you have your schooling."

I groaned but nodded. "Yes sir." He chuckled and waved his hand for us to leave. "I don't want to work with that lying, fake Lord." I whined with a pout.

"Fake or not, that's his domain." Logan said smoothly. "If you act out in a Kings domain, prepare for execution as they say."

"Who says that?!" I gasped dramatically with a narrowed stare.

"Me." Logan smirked and fixed his glasses. "I have a persuasive piece to wright. Excuse me."

My pout deepened as I watch him leave. I huff and walk down to my art tutor's room. All I could think of was that Anxiety! His stupid purple hair, his stupid purpley brown eyes. His stupid skin that I swear is the fairest of them all! I reached the room but my tutor wasn't anywhere to be found. I grabbed a canvas and paints and sat down. I don't even care what I'm painting as I think. How is he a Lord? And why would anyone want to rule over such a dark place? Just proves he's evil! Right? Whatever it doesn't matter. I loath that man. Also, he had black wings! What person even has wings?! Maybe he's an angle, or a monster! Yes thats it a monster!

"Wow Roman, who are you painting?" A voice yanked me from my thoughts. I focused on the painting before my and my face went red. "He's....he's beautiful." My tutor said in awe.

I painted Anxiety. He was looking away, body was cut off and unfinished. His wing was slightly out. He had a small scowl on his with dark powder under his eye. I painted him to look beautiful!

 I painted him to look beautiful!

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"J-Just a character I made up hahahahahahaha!" I curse myself for the stutter but play it off by a laugh

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"J-Just a character I made up hahahahahahaha!" I curse myself for the stutter but play it off by a laugh.

"He looks like...hes in pain." I furrow my browns and look up at my art tutor. She was a tall woman with long brown hair. She was hefty, but not large. Her grey eyes were usually twisted in emotion. She always found meaning in art, even if it was a mindless sketch she found meaning in it.

"What do you mean he looks like hes it pain? Hes scowling." I state and frown myself.

"The eyes are always the windows into emotion." She pointed to his eyes.

That irritated me. "If I hear one more cryptic message today..." I mutter. "I've had it up to here with cryptic messages! I'm a prince!"

She laughed. "Seeing as you did such a wonderful painting today I'll move today's lesson to tomorrow. Off you go your highness." She curtsied and walked towards her desk to make a place for the new painting.

I sighed and left. I needed some swords play, it always helped me think.

A/N DONE! Its short because I had no prep for this chapter, I had nothing prepared so I wrote as much as I could for this chapter.

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