Chapter Seven

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"Why are you here beast?" The guard spat, making me cringe away.

"Thats rude." I scoffed under my breath. Luckily, I was unheard. I don't want to be skewered.

"We have a meeting with the King!" Patton exclaimed. "Please remove your pointy sticks."

"I have heard no such appointment." The guard growled.

"We came, we failed, lets go to bed." I sighed, glancing at Patton.

"No need for that. Cornwell, you're treating the kings guests quite rudely." A deep, intellectual voice spoke from behind the guards. We all looked at the voice. The speaker was a tall, hark haired male glasses. Seeing Patron's face light up a bit, I assume thats Logan.

"Uh yes sir. Sorry sir." The guards step away.

"Lord Anxiety, Patton I will show you to the throne room." Logan said while pushing up his glasses. He turned and lead the way.

"Great, more walking." I sighed sarcastically but straightened my posture a bit. I needed to act like a royal to even communicate with these people.

We came to a large, brightly lit room with red and gold carpet. On a slightly higher up stage there were three chairs. Sitting in the largest was the King, the one next to him the Queen, and finally the Prince; Roman. The Prince really looked like the King, but he had the Queen's eyes.

When we reached in front of the throne's Patton and Logan bowed low. I bowed as well, but not as low.

"Rise." The king spoke, and we complied. "I'm Thomas, King of Ironfelt. I am happy to meet you."

"I am Lord Virgil Anxiety, guardian and Lord of the Dark Forest. Thank you for your invitation." I greeted. It sucked. I really didn't want have to act all royal. Not again. I saw the shock on Patton's face but tried to ignore it. "I was told you had some business you wished to discuss, concerning my forest."

"I do, however, wasn't there something you required from my son?" Thomas smirked, making his wife giggle and his son groan.

"Oh yes, I had forgotten." A smirk slithered onto my lips and I cast a purple glance at the Prince.

"Do I have too?" Roman growled, crossing his arms.

"No, but then that means Ironfelt royal family don't keep to their word." I responded simply.

"How dare you!" Roman jumped up. "Fine! I love dragon witches!" He spat out and sat back down with a pout.

"I'll be sure to tell her." I smirked and looked back to the King. "Now, back to business. What do you want with my forest?" I sharpen my features, voice deep and suspicious.

"Logan has told me that your forest is full of mythical creatures. He would like to study such creatures safely. I believe if he is able to study them, and wright a book we could understand them more. But also, I do not want my people being afraid to get too close."

"They should be afraid!". I declared. "If a villager walks into the forest and I'm not around, their dead. I don't need more attention on the forest." Deeper nervousness was starting to claw and tear at me.

"We simply want to understand the forest, and form an alliance between the forest and Ironfelt. We would help protect the forest." Thomas pressed.

"I will bring it up to the forest creatures. I'll deliver your answer on the marrow before dusk. No sooner, no later." I sighed and crossed my arms, showing that I was holding my ground.

"Very well. Thank you for meeting with me Lord Virgil. Logan, Roman show our guests around the castle." Thomas hummed.

"Yes my King."

"Yes Father."

"Follow us please." Logan said seriously. Roman joined us and were lead out of the throne room.

Once out of the throne room I sighed, letting shoulders relax. "I hate having to do that." I sighed.

"Wow Virgil you looked and acted like real royalty!" Patton cooed. "I didn't know you could do that."

"Theres a lot you don't know about me Pat." I answered simply.

"Thats true." The hyper man hummed before bouncing over to Logan. "Logan can we go to the garden you were telling me about? Please?!"

"Very well." Logan caved, staring down at Patton with slightly heated cheeks.

I smiled a bit but it didn't last long. Roman huffed from beside me. He narrowed his eyes and pouted. "I don't like you."

"Thats fair. I don't like me much either." I answered, not staying to see his reaction.

A Royal Love Story(Prinxiety)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now