Chapter Twenty-Five

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Warning: Anxiety attack, imprisonment, and Implied adult themes? I don't know to explain it. Just prepare yourself.

My vision was slowly coming into focus. I shook my head to clear it and took in my surrounding. I was tied up in a dark room on a fluffy, honestly comfortable, canopy bed with sheer purple curtains. I slowly sat up and looked around better. Upon looking down my face heated.

My previous clothes were gone, replaced by tight purple panty type bottoms with gold trim and with sheer, see through, purple fabric sown in with gold around the top. It wrapped around like a skirt, but had a large opening in the front. My top was non-existent, showing off my torso, scars, and the gold arm bands that were placed on my forearms. My body was adorned with gold and purple jewelry, even my wings had thin gold chains with purple diamond attacked, showing off my black feathers. Around my neck, connecting me to the bed, was a thick gold collar with snakes edged into the metal, and a purple gem hanging down. I turned over them gem. Dolos' Property was carved into the metal.

I looked like a trophy, a prize to be won and then locked away.

Taking in a shaky breath, I wipe my eyes, realizing they misted over. "Breath in four, hold fo-for seven, out eight..." I muttered, pushing back the anxiety that crawled up my spine.

After calming down, I pushed into action. Closing my eyes I focused, willing myself to shift into...something. I painful shock caused a scream. Magic canceling collar. Groaning I started pulling at the chain. Yanking and pulling on the metal for any leeway. But, it was fruitless. I wasn't strong enough.

"Now now my precocious, you're giving up already?" A chillingly sweet voice cooed. I looked up, Dolos stood in the entry way, sick smirk on his lips.

"Dolos..." I murmured, frowning.

"Yes my love. I'm here." Dolos slowly walked towards the bed. He reached out, but I flinched away. His arm fell. "You have no idea how much I missed you Virgil." He smirked. "It really did hurt my feelings when you abandoned me."

"You hurt me!" I growled, straining the chain that held me to the bed. It felt like fear replaced my blood. Dolos held all the cards, and I was his prisoner.

"Now now calm down." Dolos waved me off, fearfully and tightly cupping my cheek. "I love you, and now that you're mine, you're never leaving again." He growled.

"I don't love you anymore Dolos!" I bit out, tears filling my eyes as he gripped me closer. "I don't. You've changed, I don't love you."

His face contorted into rage. "Oh, I see. You're in love with that Prince, aren't you?"

Hot tears shed themselves down my cheeks. "I-I do. I do love him." I admitted with shaky breaths.

The Liesnburg King growled and shoved me to the bed. He turned on heal and stalked towards the door. "You're mine until the day one of us die. You promised. Even if you don't love me, you're mine. I refuse to give you up." He hissed, slamming the door as he left.

Sniffing, I pulled my knees to my chest, and wrapped my wings around me. I buried my head into my knees, crying into the flesh. I whimpered into my sobs.

To Be Continued...

A/N This story only has six more chapters! That being said, if you would like to help choose my next Main Story please look at my One Shot Book, chapter Halp Required, to help me choose the story, even if you aren't going to actively read it it would be a lot of help. Thanks.

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