Chapter Fifteen

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I glared from my spot hammering down our tent when Virgil flew off. I snorted and went back to putting down the tent. "Stupid, evil, purple haired monster. What kind of person is friends with a dragon? A monster that-"


My eyes widened as a sting suddenly erupted on my cheek. I looked up and was met with light blue eyes glazed over with pure anger. Nobody moved, and the air stilled.


"How dare you say that!" Patton yelled. "We're the ones inconveniencing him. He's injured, tired, and probably stressed but he's being understanding. If you assume everything different is bad you'll fail as a Prince, and a King!" With that, Patton stalked back to the cooking pot and started dishing out food.

I glanced at Logan, who sighed. "I must say, Patton is correct. If you believe everything different is evil you will not make a good ruler, nor will you be able to expand your horizons and make good relations with our Kingdoms allies. Furthermore-"

"Okay! I'll apologize. Then will you leave me alone?!" I groaned and stood up. I stalked off in the direction he flew off in. "Why are they mad at me? I didn't say anything bad." I huffed before an image of Anxiety gripping my sword blade flashed in my head. His dark brown/purple eyes staring at me with a look I couldn't pinpoint, other than the sliver of sadness that swelled in their depths. "Calling him a monster was horrible of me though." I admitted just above a whisper.

I stopped under a large tree and looked up. Yep, there he ways. I could see the bright that purple hair of his and his large feathered wings. I sighed before sucking in a breath. "Anxiety, can I talk to you?"

Before I knew it the Lord of Darkness was in front of me. "What?" He glared hard.

I stood up straight, chest puffed out slightly. "I wanted too say sorry. It was nice of you too allow us to stay, and have your Dragon friend protect us. It was rude, of me too call you evil. It was not very gentlemanly or Princely of me."

Anxiety looked surprised for a second. "Your...your cheek looks swollen. Looks like a hand print."

"P-Patton slapped me." I admitted, slightly deflating. "I was muttering a few...rude things and he got mad."

He nodded. "I see. I'll get some cold water for the swelling." He turned away, but I grabbed his wrist.

"I'm fine, I've seen worse. But do you forgive me, Anxiety?" I asked.

He sighed. "I'll forgive, if you stop calling me Anxiety. It sounds depressing." Anxiety muttered. I raised a brow. "My name, it's Virgil." He muttered, and turned a way.

"Oh my, is that a blush under all that white?" I teased, blushing a little myself. "In that case you should call me Roman! You call me Princey a lot and its weird."

"F-Fine. R-R-Roman." Virgil stuttered out.

"Fine. Virgil." I grinned.

3rd POV

"Look, they're getting along." Patton cooed, watching from afar.

"Yes, it seems so." Logan smiled slightly. "Wouldn't you lot agree?"

The others, who had also been watching chuckled.

"Things will be getting interesting it seems." Valerie hummed with a smirk.

A/N Remind me to never write when apathetic again.

A Royal Love Story(Prinxiety)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now