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  As soon as I left the house, I started walking towards the mall. It was about a thirty minute walk but it was worth it.

  Immediately I got there, I went to the top floor mentally wishing I wouldn't see that idiot at the store.


  Jaden looked so cute as the cool evening breeze hit his face and blew his hair back and the way the sunset made his chocolate brown eyes sparkle was beyond beautiful.

  Immediately he stopped the car, I snapped out of the mini trance his eyes put me in. We were at

Our highschool?

"Why are we here?" I asked but he just smiled and stepped out of the car and ran all the way to open my door for me.

  I smiled and stepped out as he shut the door behind me.

The sight of school still creeped me out

  I stared at the building for a while before looking back at him. He held out his hand and I hesitantly took it making him smile.

  He took me to the door and then I frowned a little as he let my hand go so he could bend down in front of the door.

I wonder what he was...oh

  He had just picked the lock

"Isn't this considered as breaking and entering?" I asked and he chuckled while shaking his head.

"It seems you haven't lost your bad boy persona" I say like it's a good thing while in my mind I just couldn't stop thinking about the man whore aspect of his so called 'bad boy persona'.

"A leopard never changes his spots" he said and I smiled at the fact that he actually said the same line I used to use on him when he would bully me in highschool.

I was a Sassy talkative when being bullied

  He pushed open the doors and closed them immediately we entered. We started walking down the hallway holding hands

"You always used to love this hall" he said and I realised that he was right, this was the halls that had the janitors closet so I could escape when he would bully me.

"Yeah there was a good escape rout from you and your squad" I said jokingly but he just frowned before managing a fake smile.

  We eventually walked through a few floors and got to the library

"Ah the library, your sanctuary" he said with a sigh and I laugh remembering the countless number of times I would skip class in here and when I would avoid Jaden and his crew during lunch.

"I avoided you guys at lunch in here alot of times" I joked again but he frowned again before striking a fake smile but I just shrugged.

  After a few moments, we were at the gym. The most hated place by non athletic nerds like me in highschool.

"You so hated this place" he said and I laughed as I glanced around, every thing looked exactly the same.

"I got hit with like a hundred balls during dodgeball by you and your ruffians and I'm not even going to mention the times you guys got me in trouble and coach would make me do laps round the field or when we all had to run, I literally ate your dust..." I noticed his clenched jaws and balled up fists but I continued wanting to actually see what he was holding in.

"You guys nearly killed me that time you threw balls at me as your friends held me down" I said and he snapped.

"Shut up" he half yelled before falling down on his knees.

  I stood there confused but I eventually went over to him and knelt down beside him. I placed my hand on his shoulder, he looked up at me and I noticed that he was crying.

  I immediately pulled him in for a hug and began apologising

"I'm so sorry for pushing you, it's my fault, I'm so...." he interrupted me by crashing his lips on mine.

  I was confused at first but then I began slowly kissing him back tasting his salty tears. He suddenly pulled away and I almost whined at the sudden loss of hot contact with his lips.

"I should be the one apologising, I'm sorry for bullying for so much in highschool and all because I...." he stopped and sighed before sitting down with his legs crossed. I did the same before our conversation continued.

"Because what?" I asked and he turned away.

"Because I love you" He muttered and I heard him loud and clear.

"What?" I asked trying to make him say it louder but He just muttered again.

"What?" I asked again.

"Because I freaking love you, stupid" he said grinning through his tears and I smiled and kissed his tears away.

"I love you too" I said expecting a kiss but he just hugged me. I was dissapointed but it was still fine.


  We had small talk and I found out that his parents kicked him out because of his sexuality but he had a scholarship due to the numerous scouts that were at the last game so he was currently on a break from school unlike me who decided not to go to college.

"When did you start crushing on me?" I asked and he blushed but answered after a few seconds.

"The moment that cute but awkward scrawny kid with the braces and thick glasses walked in through the front doors, I knew I had to have him, you were so cute and innocent, plus you had a really great ass then" he whispered the last part and I face palmed I embarrassment.

"I used to do squats and lunges then but your crew killed my self esteem so I stopped" I said and he frowned a bit.

"You should start" he said and I blushed and nodded.

"What about you?" he asked and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Really? You're asking me that?" I said and he chuckled.

"What?" he asked still chuckling.

"Let's see here, first freshman to ever make the football team, star quarterback, hot body, Capitan of the swimteam and wrestling team, hotest smirk ever, the list goes on" I said and he chuckled.

"So you're just into the typical highschool jock huh?" he asked and I smiled warmly and shook my head.

"You weren't just the typical highschool jock, you were the kid with the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, you were the kid with the amazing sense of humor, you were smart and you were a great and loyal friend, I remember when you broke up with Gigi so Ronald could date her" I said and both laughed before focusing on each other's eyes and then slowly leaning in.

Our lips finally met in a warm and gentle kiss. It was the most perfect kiss ever.

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