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  I am currently in my boxers trying to pick out what to wear, should I go corporate or casual? tie or tie? At situations like this, I go to Prim for advice, but right now, I'm on my own. I stand in front of my mirror looking at whether the tie should be worn or not, my phone made a sound and I put down the clothes to check, I had a message from Isaiah

Sai❤: Casual ;)

   I smirked and blushed at his perfect timing then I realized that I never called him, so how did he get my number?

Sei❤: Got your number when I was putting in mine :)

    I smiled and put the phone down, my smile stayed on my face as I got dressed in a blue button up, black jeans and sneakers and came down stairs to eat breakfast. I took mom's car, with permission of course, to work.

Sounds weird in my head. WORK

    I practically danced out of my car and I didn't even know why. I looked at his house which was about the size of mine, it was definitly too big for one person. I dance-walked towards the door and balled up my hand raising it to the door.

  I paused and my smile faded, I suddenly became very nervous. I trembled and knocked, that's when I realised he had a doorbell.

   I mentally cursed myself and rang the doorbell, he opened the door at the same time.

"Hey" he said eyeing me head to toe with his tongue sliding over his lower lip.

"H..hi" I shyly stuttered slightly waving nervously.

"Come in" he opened the door wider for me to go in, I did and he pointed at a chair.

   I sat tapping on my thighs trying not to create sweat stains on the armpits of my shirt. He noticed my nervousness and brought me a glass of water, I thanked him and took it all in a single gulp.

"Let me show you to your office" he said and I nodded following closely behind him as he led me to the basement. He turned on the lights and I saw a wooden desk with a computer on it in the middle of a room with two books shelves and a few cabinets.

"You work here, while I work in my room upstairs, more of the work stuff are here so I'll be stopping by to pick a few things" he said with a seroius face and tone. I just nodded.

"My room is upstairs, first door to your left, I'll show you" he said and I nodded slowly swallowing a nervous lump in my throat before following him to his room.

  We entered his room which smelt a bit odd, he quickly ran and grabbed a bottle before putting it in a drawer on his nightstand which stood beside a big bed for two.

"I'll work here and you can stay here, the living room, the office or the kitchen while I do it and I'll call if I need anything. Although, it would be better if you'd hang at the office because I may send some work for you to handle" He stated and I nodded, I walked towards the bed and he nodded before I sat down, I was still a bit shaky.

  He walked slowly towards me bringing his hands towards my neck

Is he about to kill ME?

Is he a murderer?

  I stayed still as his fingers brushed against my neck, sending tingling sensations round my body, I raised my head slightly to feel more of his touch. He just chuckled and unbuttoned top button. My eyes shot open.

Am I getting raped?

  I stayed still as he pulled away with an uncertain grin

"You seemed nervous and you're sweating alot" he said and I immediately stared at the floor as I wiped off some sweat off my fore head with the back on my hand.

  I sat nervously on his bed while he typed away in his mini room office, he occasionally turned to ask me to make him tea. I was now in the kitchen putting in the tea bag and one cube of sugar, just how he likes it.

  After a few minutes, I was on my way to the stairs when he came jogging down.

"Was I taking long? I was just on my way" I said slightly outstretching my hand showing him his cup on the tray.

"No you were good, I'm just taking a break, it's not easy working here while your actual office is eight hours away" he said chuckling before taking the cup from the tray.

"Why did you decide to stay anyway?" I asked hoping not to come out as rude. He smirked and put the cup on the counter before slowly leaning towards my ear.

"I saw something I wanted and I'm not leaving till it's all mine" he whispered and I felt chills run down my spine. 

  He grabbed the cup and took a big gulp finishing the tea in the process, he motioned towards the living room, I followed like a little duckling following its mother. He sat down and I sat at the other end and he smiled and attempted to scoot closer, I got really tensed which he noticed and backed away.

"I never really got much out of you at your place" he broke the terrifyingly intense silence.

"Well my full name is Keith Mitchell, I'm nineteen..." I paused not knowing what else to tell him.

"Tell me more, your likes, dislikes, hopes and dreams" He said trying to set the mood into a more comfortable one. I took a deep breath begore speaking.

"Well I really like music, I am inlove with Beyonce.." we laughed for a second before I continued.

"I love ice cream, chocolate, cake I dislike disloyalty, fake people, Alcohol because of the hangovers, I dream to be a writer one day" I finshed, grining like a maniac.

"Look who's no longer shy" he smiled weakly before looking away for a short while.

"I want to show you something" he said smirking and making me feel uneasy again.

"Okay" I slurred and we both got up. He smirked at me and bit his lip before leading me towards the basement. He smiled at me and I stood there squinting out of confusion.

He walked towards a corner and that's when I noticed a small keypad and a handle. He pushed some buttons before opening. He motioned me to go in with him.

  The moment I stepped inside. I was shocked, amazed, dumbfounded. I gasped and my mouth hung open.





Hooks hanging from the ceiling

A large X on the wall

   I blinked a couple of times trying not to faint, I nearly did the moment I heard the door close and automatically  lock. I heard foot steps and then I could feel his breath on the side of my face.

"Take off your clothes"


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