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  We all got up to sing, as we sang, I felt really excited for my solo, I always do the solo but it just never gets old to me. As my solo came, I sang my heart out, but then, two men entered the church, both dressed in suits, one of them was a bit buff and the other was thin but not too thin that he's scrawny. The thin man was incredibly good looking, I'm straight but even a blind person could tell how mean good looking he is. My friend and kinda sister, Primrose gently hit me with her elbow making me realise how low I was singing, I increased my pitch and continued staring as they took their seats. I could tell by their facial expressions that the thin one didn't want to be here but his friend forced him to.

   We were almost done and I was still staring at him, he was faced down and probably on his phone, his friend snatched his phone and he nearly spoke up but then his friend shushed him and motioned his head towards the choir, us. Immediately his eyes came to us, he fixed his gaze on me making me attempt to quickly look away, I hope nobody noticed me staring.


   After church, I stared as they both got up and went to see my Godfather, the pastor. I heard finger snaps and I jumped and faced Primrose.

"You've been staring at them since they got here" she said crossing her arms over her chest and smirking.

"No I've not" I defended obviously lieing and she just nodded still smirking.

She definitely didn't believe me


  At home, I'm in my room reading my bible then I heard a knock on the door, I say a short prayer before closing my bible.

"Come in" I said and my Godmother entered slowly before closing the door behind her.

"Hey mom" I said she smiled before sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Hi son" she said smiling as she saw the bible on my bed.

"Sorry to disturb you honey" she said with an apologetic smile and I shook my head showing her it was not a problem.

"Some distant relatives are here and I would like to introduce you and Prim" she said smiling.

"Okay I'll be right down" I said and she thanked me before leaving.

  I let out a sigh and went straight downstairs. I stopped, recognizing them as the two men from church. They were both talking to my dad.

"Hey" they turned to look at me and I noticed the thin man bite his lower lip and the eyed me head to toe, I shrugged it off as Prim came down too.

"Prim, Keith this is your old cousin Lance and his friend Isaiah" she said pointing at the buff man then at the thin one. I and Prim waved shyly barely letting out even a 'hello'.

   Both men got up and shook our hands, the thin man slightly stroked the back of my hand with his fingers, that's when I looked up at his slight smirk.

"So when did you say you were gonna leave again?" dad asked Lance.

"First thing tomorrow morning" he said and dad nodded.

"Why don't we let you guys get to know each other better, we have to leave for a church meeting" mom said grabbing the car keys and handing them to dad. We all said goodbyes then they left.

"So how old are you guys?" Lance asked breaking the awkward silence.

"She's eighteen and I'm nineteen" I said and they both nodded.

"How about you guys?" Prim asked looking uninterested in them with a brow raised and her arms crossed.

"I'm thirty three and he's thirty five" Lance said and our mouths flung open.

"You both seem too pretty for those ages" Prim straightforwardly bursted and I elbowed her on her tummy.

"Oouch" she whined rubbing her tummy and both men chuckled. Isaiah's eyes have been fixed on me the entire time and it's making me feel a bit uncomfortable.

"It's okay, um, Keith, how come you're a brunette and your parents and sister are blonde?" Isaiah asked this time and my smile turned into a frown.

"He lost his parents and we're his God family, he doesn't like to talk about it" Prim said rubbing my shoulder and upper arm.

"I'm so sorry I brought it up" he apologised and I nodded accepting it.

"So, you guys in College?" Lance asked.

"I got admission but school hasn't started yet but this one refuses to go because he thinks he's a financial burden" Prim said and I glared straight into her soul and she mouthed an apology. Isaiah made a face like he was thinking about something then he nodded.

"How come you guys are leaving so early?" I asked.

"We heard that my dad, your uncle Roger had died so I came and found out that it was a rumour, now I would've stayed but I'm a very busy person" He said.

"What do you guys do?" Prim asked.

"I own a gaming company and Sai here owns a chain of hotels and resorts" he said pointing at his friend who was still awkwardly staring.

"So you guys are rich?" Prim asked looking quiet impressed.

"Billionaires" Lance said chuckling at her question.

"Well happy birthday to me" Prim said and we all laughed. Lance checked his watch before getting up.

"We have to go" he said and Isaiah got up too.

"Your numbers" Prim whined and both men chuckled before each of them took each of our phones after we unlocked them. Isaiah obviously took mine.

  They both left and we waved before heading back inside.

"Call out Isaiah's number for me" Prim said and I checked my phone and blushed as I saw the heart emoji, he put after his name, Sai. 

  I called out the number while she called out Lance's.

My first gay book, I'm so excited...manXboy..BDSM. I read a lot of books like this but now I'm writing it. I want to give out another warning because a few chapters may be offensive to Christians but just incase, I'll tell you when I do it so you can skip it if you want.

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