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We were now in my car in front of my house, I am banging my head against the wheel making short honking noises listening to Dex talk non stop trying to find the perfect way to impress my religious parents.

"G'day mates" he said in a goofy Australian accent and I immediately covered his mouth with my hand before he could say anything else.

"Hello, I'm Dex, Keith's bestfriend" I said and he looked down at my hand then I almost suddenly felt a wet .....wait ew

  I withdrew my hand and wiped it on his shirt
"Aaaawwwwwnnnnn, I'm your bestfriend" he says and I playfully rolled my eyes at him as he pecked my cheek.

"Can we go in now?" I asked and he nodded shyly and I sighed and we both got out of the car.

  We got to the front door and I turned to him, he had a cute smile on his face and he was bouncing on his feet a little. I chuckled and opened the door and my parents were in the living room while Prim was munching on some Cheetos leaning on the staircase railing.

"Hey dude" she said sounding weird with the Cheetos in her mouth.

"Sup girl" I entered as Dex followed behind me.

"Mom, dad" I said and they turned to me with smiles on their faces.

"Hey honey" mom walked up to me and kissed my cheek.

"Hey kiddo, who's your friend?" dad asked looking at Dex who was still smiling nervously behind me.

"Mom, dad, this is my friend Dexton, Dexton, my mom and dad" I said and they shook hands.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr and Mrs Mitchell" he said and eveyone's face went a bit dull.

"Awkward" Prim sang munching loudly on her snack.

"Actually, we're his Godparents, you can call me Mrs Gibson and him Mr Gibson" she said pointing at herself then at dad, he looked back at me with a face that meant 'why didn't you tell me?'.

"Okay and you can call me Dex" he said as he withdrew his hand.

"And that's the once in a month beast Primrose" I said pointing at Prim as she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Pay no attention to the Orangutang standing beside you, call me Prim" she said rolling her eyes at me and Dex laughed.

"Be nice you two" Dad said looming at us from over his shoulder.

"Yes dad" we both said in unison.

"Come on" I muttered to Dex and he nodded and we walked towards the stairs and pass Prim.

"Hey Prim" I said walking back to her and she turned to me.



"Exactly" I snatched the bag from her hand and ran up the stairs grabbing Dex's wrist running into my room and locking the door behind me.

  In less than two seconds, we heard loud banging  at the door.
"You better open up or your will end" she said and grunted before finally quitting.

"Let me guess, no cursing?" he asked and I nodded and be laughed and jumped on my bed.

"My mom tried to start a curse jar where we dropped a dollar for every curse word, we ended up taking loans from the jar and it all ended afterwards" he said and I smiled shaking my head and laid next to him.

"So what are not not telling me Mr Mitchell" he raised a brow and I sighed.

"I have a crush Johnny bravo" I say pulling a serious face and he sits up and stares at me.

"You too?" he squealed at me.

"Oh my God, I was kidding"  I began laughing and he pouted and crossed his arms.

"Meanie" he said and looked away.

"Oh come on" I said and hugged him from behind till hw turned to me.

"But you have to admit, it's funny" I said quietly and he smiles and drops his arms.

"And he's hot" he says and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever" I said chuckling and he grins.

"I was talking about your parents" he said  I sighed with a small smile on my face and looked over at my nightstand and at the picture of my parents that sat on it.

"I lost them when I was fourteen to a car crash and the Gibsons were my God family" I said with a smile on my face because I didn't want any sympathy for something that happened five years ago.

   I reached for the picture and handed it to Dex and shut my eyes waiting for the usual, the stupid apologies directed at no one and the sympathetic looks.

"Hey guys" I opened my eyes and found him talking to the picture and he had a actual smile on his face.

"I'm Dex and I'm geting married to your son" he said giggling at the last part.

"No he's not" I say to the picture and he playfully glares at me. He sighs and hands me the picture and kisses my cheek. I stared down at the picture for several seconds then he took it from my hands and kept it on my night stand.

"Tell me about the punishment Isaiah gave you" I smirked and began to shamelessly explain carefully leaving out the part where it was kinda partly his fault.

"He made you quote the Bible as he whipped you?" he asked laughing breathlessly and I nodded as I laughed too feeling a bit embarrassed.

"And you had to hold in your cum" he asked again laughing and clenching his stomach tightly.

"It's getting late" he began to get up and I grabbed his wrist and pulled him down onto me.

"Let's fuck" he said in a playful but seductive tone and I laughed and pushed him off me.

"So I'm staying" he said and began taking off his clothes. I got uncomfortable in my clothes and began stripping too.

  We got in bed, in our boxers, I grabbed my parents picture and began to say a short prayer, by the time I opened my eyes, Dex whispered an 'Amen' making me smile before keeping the picture back on the nightstand. Dex began awkwardly scooting over to me

"What are you doing?" I asked with my face against my pillow as his bed laid on my back and his limbs laid on my lower back and legs.

"Trying to cuddle" he said and I chuckled and flipped over to my bed and he also adjusted and our limbs tangled but in a loving way.

"Good night Keith"

"Goodnight Gaylord...yes that is my nickname for you now"

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