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"Dinner time, clothes are on the bed" Dex said knocking on the bathroom door. I was having a nice, long, soothing bath.

"Coming Gaylord" I giggled a bit and got up from the tub, stepped out and grabbed a towel before wiping my self dry.

I came out and Dex wasn't there so I just got dressed and went downstairs. Dex's dad was watching cartoons with Natalie on his lap.

So hot

"Stop staring it's weird" Dex said and I came out of my trance and went to sit on the table with Mrs Gable while he went to get his dad and sister.

Natalie was too young to sit on the chair so she had her own chair high enough for her dad to feed her. He was pretending the food was a plane and Natalie was giggling as she ate, we all just talked, joked and laughed about random stuff.

"8:00 bed time sweety" Mrs Gable cooed at Natalie making the little girl pout and cross her arms over her chest overdramatically. She took her daughter to her room and probably stayed there till Natalie would fall asleep.

"I still don't know your name, son" Mr Gable said breaking the silence from after both females left.

"Keith Mitchell" I said smiling awkwardly at him.

"Okay, I don't mean to pry but you seem to have some problems..." he trailed and I just nodded stiffly.

"Girl problems?" he asked and I frantically shook my head like a crazy person.

"One, it's family stuff and two, he's gay" Dex said and his dad mouth an 'oh'.


After a few minutes of me stealing glances of Mr Gable, he got up and took his dirty dishes with him.

"I'm done" he said after washing his dishes.

"Try not to be so loud, our room isn't that far" Dex face palmed in embarrassment as his dad laughed and walked towards the stairs.

I chuckle after a minute and we wash our dishes and head upstairs. I stripped down to my boxers while Dex left with my old clothes.

"Do you think they'll accept me?" I randomly ask as we laid next to each other covered with sheets up to our chests.

"Prim has.... so maybe" he said trying to sound positive.

"Good night Gaylord" I said giggling a bit.

"Goodnight Keith" he said after a heavy sigh and we both slept.


Dex is now pulling into my parents' driveway and I'm contemplating on if I should go in or not.

"You should go in" Dex said with a very serious but concerning tone.

"Okay, you're right" I said after a heavy breath.

"I'll wait for you here, goodluck" he said and I nod and get out of the car.


I walked all the way to the front door and just stood there for a few minutes before actually knocking. Prim opened up and let me walk in quietly. Mom and dad were in the living room with a big bowl of popcorn, I guess they were all watching a movie together.

"Hey mom and dad" their heads snapped towards me and their faces were expressionless.

"Keith come, sit" I went to sit and Prim was about to leave.

"Stay Prim, it's a family matter" dad said to her and she nodded and sat down.

"Keith're gay?" Mom asked and I slowly nodded searching her face for any hint of emotion. Nothing.

"Since when?" dad asked as I could sense the bitterness in his tone.

"I don't know, I just met.....a few people who made me realise" I said lowly and my mom's eyes begin to glisten.

"It's that Dex kid, isn't it" she said angrily in a sad kind of way.

"No no it's not..." dad interrupted me by yelling.

"Shut up you faggot!!" dad yelled pointing at me and I flinched as Prim began coming over to comfort me.

"Get back here, you don't want to catch his disease, he's a sinner" mom said grabbing Prim's hand and pulling her back to where she was sitting.

"Don't" I mouthed to her and she just glared at her parents before turning away.

"I will arrange a prayer group and we will make sure to cast that devilish spirit right back to hell where it came from" I was sobbing at this time, I couldn't control the tears that were now rolling down my cheeks.

"Go to your room" dad yelled at me and I burst into tears and ran up to my room and locked the door behind me.

As soon as the door was locked, I turned to face my room and slowly dropped down to the floor with my back still against the door. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and texted Dex

Me: Go home, I'll explain later :)

Dex: Did they accept you?

Me: Yes

Dex: I knew it :) !!! you'll tell me the details later

Me: Yeah bye

Dex: Bye xoxox

As soon as the texting ended, I felt even worse because I had just lied to my best friend. I decided to text Isaiah next

Me: I'm not coming to work tomorrow, maybe even the day after that

As soon as I texted him, I turned my phone off because I did not want to see his reply.

I just threw my phone to the side and stayed in that position against the door for only God knows how long.

"Dinner" I heard someone knock and I flinched, it was Mom, her tone was as though she felt digusted just by touching the door to my room.

I didn't reply her and I'm not so sure she even stuck around to even hear my reply as I heard her footsteps slowly depart. I stood up and stripped down to my boxers and went to my bed.

I took out my journal which I haven't written in over a long time.

Hey journal,

This has been the worst few days of my life, Isaiah cheated on me and I don't even know why but I feel like he didn't mean to and that I should calmly just forget about it but I shouldn't do that, it would mean that I am weak but I can't even muster anger right now, only sadness and uncertainty.

I have also been outed to the entire church which means the news of a pastor with a gay godson would soon reach the public, it is a small town anyway, the women in that church are almost all gossips too. That's not even the point right now, the point is that my own God parents don't even accept me, they called me names, they said I had a disease, a devilish spirit straight from hell.

What if they're right?

I blinked a few times as I began to think on my last sentence, what if it was a devilish spirit? Then the prayer would cast out my demons right? It's worth a shot, or, maybe it isn't a disease, maybe I'm not a sinner, maybe I'm just me.

I grabbed my parents' picture and just hugged it close imagining I was hugging them.


I really think this is a serious matter in religious families with LGBT+ children. These parents need to understand that what their children are going through isn't a demonic possession or strange disease. It's who they are, it's how they were created and nobody should have to go through any discrimination or societal ridicule for who they are. It's bullshit.

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