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"How to Have **SEX** with a ROCK STAR!"

I ran my eyes over the piece of paper that she handed me after I picked Dare during our lazy and lonely game of Truth or Dare.

"What the hell is this?" I asked, admiring the stars that were drawn around the word 'sex'.

"You know how you were talking about that band earlier?" My best friend, Chloe, rested her head in her hands as she proudly watched me look at her little list from my bed. I racked my brain. I talked about a lot of bands.

"Oh, that new boyband?"

"Five seconds of summer, yes!" She jumped up. "Kristen, this is your time to shine. You always said that you wanted a cool rock star boyfriend."

"I don't think I'd call any of them rock stars." I rolled my eyes and she playfully kicked me in return.

"You're just picky."

"Who is this for?" I sighed, ignoring her comment about me being picky because it was true.

"Luke Hemmings."

"Luke Hemmings?"

"You've seen him, right?"

I shyly smiled, and that answered her question. I looked up at her from my spot on the floor as she began to perform a speech.

"Exactly! Come on, we only have a few months of high school left before we have to start doing adult things..." She whined.

Speaking of that, I had to start thinking about college choices...

"Walk me through this ridiculous list, then." I groaned, handing her the paper. I already knew that she probably had a whole act planned out.

"Step number one, get a follow from him on twitter. Two, upload a video of you covering one of his songs. Three, get him to see the video. Since you'll have a follow from him, you'll be able to DM him or something, I don't know. Four, get concert tickets. There's a million venues around LA, they have to come here soon." She was acting like this was a presentation.

How did I ever become friends with her? She loved to be the center of attention and she was always up for a debate. I guess opposites do attract though because I had been friends with her since middle school.

"Hey! Listen!" She yelled, "Five, meet him after the concert and talk to him about your video. Six, slip him your number. Seven, wait for his call, and finally, eight, fuck his brains out." I cringed at the last part.

"Really? You couldn't think of anything better for the last step?" She just shrugged in response. "I think the first few are pretty unnecessary. I really don't think that getting a follow from him has anything to do with me going to his concert."

"It's a dare. You have to do it." Chloe crossed her arms, matter-of-factly.

"This is the dumbest dare I've ever heard. And very impossible! Do you remember when we were obsessed with One Direction? We tried to get follows from them for two whole years and we never even got one." I thought about all of the embarrassing thinge we did during that stage of our life.

"You're not just some fifteen year old anymore. Luke is eighteen. You're eighteen. It's a match made in heaven!"

"Shut up." I groaned, throwing a pillow at her. "I'm not going to try to complete your stupid list."

"Whatever." She sighed. "Guess I'll have to find a new best friend, then." I laughed as she dramatically collapsed onto my bed.

I had to give her props for having a creative idea, though.

Later that night, I found myself on my twitter when Chloe was in the bathroom.

And I found myself looking up Luke Hemming's twitter.

I scoffed to myself when I scrolled through his pictures. How conceited was he? It was mostly selfies and high definition photos of him performing.

But he was incredibly attractive.

Clicking the follow button, I quickly switched back to looking at my news feed before Chloe walked in.

"Oooh! Move over, let me check mine. Your wifi on my phone sucks." She said, practically pushing me off my chair in front of my computer.

"What's this?" She laughed, pointing to a tweet from a few seconds ago. I squinted, quickly seeing who it was from. "You follow him?!"

"I just did, that doesn't mean I'm trying pursuing your list!"

"Well, he's obviously online right now! Tweet him until your fingers bleed!" She got up and pushed me back into the chair. "Maybe do it on your phone so you can use a bunch of emojis or something.."

"Chloe, no! That's so embarrassing. Almost everyone from school follows me, I don't want them to think I'm some crazy fan girl!"

"Okay, Mrs. Popular. Ugh, you're no fu-" She stopped mid-sentence to point to something on my computer again. "What's that?"

I looked at the tabs on top of my twitter and saw that I got a new notification.

Chloe took over once again, rushing to find out what it was.

"Oh. My. God." She screamed, turning to me.

"What?" I asked, but she didn't answer. Instead, she just shakily made small squeals as she kept clicking. "Chloe!" I groaned, and she moved away to show me Luke's profile.

And next to his name, written in light grey letters, was "FOLLOWS YOU".



dedicated to hazeleyeddrummer because she basically gave me the whole idea.

i haven't written in f o r e v e r soo.. (-:

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