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talk about the gif here bC DAMN

i kinda want to do questions each chapter to know more about you guys who read this

so where do you guys live?? i live in california aYyee


I woke up in a bed that was way too comfortable. If it was my own, I would probably never leave it. But it wasn't. It was a bed in one of the guest rooms of Michael, Ashton, Calum, and Luke's house. So, unfortunately, I couldn't stay in it all day, despite the fact I really wanted to.

I stretched and searched for my phone all over the fluffy bed's white sheets. I finally found it after searching for quite some time, and when I pressed the home button, the bright screen nearly blinded me.


"One-thirty?!" I whisper-yelled to myself, jumping out of the bed. I regretted this almost immediately when my head started throbbing and my vision was blurred. I groaned, looking around at the room that was way too bright. My clothes were in a pile at the foot of the bed and I looked down to see that I was wearing a large band t-shirt and.. nothing else besides underwear.

At least I didn't wake up next to anybody...

Luckily, there was a bathroom across the hall. I ran across, carrying my clothes and my purse that was sitting on the nightstand, hoping that I didn't run into anybody.

I got into the bathroom safely and locked the door. I almost jumped when I saw myself in the mirror. My makeup was smudged everywhere and my hair was a mess.

It looked like a lot of shit went down the night before, but it didn't.

Or did it? The last thing I remembered was Luke telling me that I could sleep in the guest room...

I turned on the tap of the fancy faucet and waited until the water got relatively warm. As soon as it did, I splashed it on my face and tried to wipe away my raccoon eyes. It didn't work very well, but I definitely looked significantly better after doing so.

Next stop: the rat nest in my hair. I whimpered to myself while brushing my hair with my fingers. It hurt like hell and took forever.

I put a bra on underneath the baggy shirt I had on and pulled on my jeans.

I looked awful compared to the way I looked when I arrived with Chloe.

I peed and washed my hands before slowly opening the door and peeking my head out. I looked around, but saw no one.

Stepping out, I looked up and down the hallway. It took me a while to find the stairs and get to the living room, but when I did, I was greeted by Ashton and Chloe. They were sitting on the couch and his arm was around her.

"God, I thought you'd never wake up!" She chirped. I squinted. She drank way more than me last night, yet she was still acting like she didn't even have a drink last night. She was lucky because I felt like someone was punching me in the head over and over again.

"I slept like a rock." I mumbled. "Chloe, could we talk for a minute?" I asked her, speaking up. She patted Ashton's shoulder before getting up and walking over to me. "Can we leave? Like, soon?" I whispered

"You're such a party pooper." She laughed, playfully hitting my arm.

"I'm not joking." I whined, frowning.

"Jeez, why do you want to leave so soon? Oh my god, did you sleep with Michael or something?" She gasped. Ashton's head tilted and I shushed Chloe.

"No!" I said but she raised an eyebrow. "No." I repeated more sternly.

"Okay, okay." She sighed, but at the same time, the front door opened loudly, and Michael and Luke walked in.

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