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i'm in pain because luke is real and i want to sit on the floor with him and eat pizza and throw pepperoni at him


suPER FUN question of the chapter: what's your favorite song? (i dont even think i have a favorite song wow)

also what should luke and kristen's ship name be???


I was trying to study, but I kept getting distracted by my phone.

It wasn't an unusual thing for me, but it was making Chloe very angry since we were both sitting at the table in her living room along with what she explained as "everything we'd ever need". That meant we had tons of books, notebooks, popcorn, and cans of soda. We were looking at our old notes and trying to fix anything. (Well, like I said, I was looking at my phone, not my notes.)

"Kristen! Come on. I've already taken the SAT three times and I'm still studying harder than you." Chloe groaned. "You're texting Luke, aren't you?"

"Maybe..." I hid my blushing face, but she wasn't very amused.

I could tell she wasn't a very big fan of my relationship with Luke, but I figured it was just because I was always texting him. To be honest, if I was friends with myself, I'd probably be annoyed too.

Because when I say that I was always texting him, I mean that I was always texting him. 

The time zone wasn't ever that big of a problem because he barely slept. I'd always try to tell him to sleep, but he'd always reply with "eh, i'd rather talk to youuu". I tried to stop texting him to make him fall asleep once, but he just spammed me with smiley faces(with noses) and insisted that if I just disappeared like that, he'd be worried and wouldn't sleep at all. 

I only saw him once after the party, and we kissed a bit, but that was all since he had to catch a plane.

"Ugh, that's his shirt isn't it?" She stuck out her tongue in disgust. I looked down at the band shirt I 'stole' from him at the party that occurred two months ago.

"Maybe." I repeated. Once again, she didn't find it amusing. She just glared at me. "Anyways, what if college isn't really my thing? I don't even know what I'd want to study or where I'd want to go!"

"Then what is your thing? Dating band members?" She raised an eyebrow, not making eye contact with me as she flipped through one of her many spiral notebooks.

She did this a lot. Whenever she was mad at me, she pretended like she wasn't even bothered.

"Chloe, it's easy for you to look forward to college. You have your whole life planned out.." I sighed. After she didn't respond, I asked her something else. "Has Ashton texted you back yet?"

"No, but even if he did, I would still be participating in our study session!" She snapped and looked very annoyed that I would be bringing up anything besides the fundamental theorems of calculus.

"It's only been two months. They're really busy.. They're in Europe right now. I'm sure he'll get back to you." I loved asking Luke about what they were doing and where they were. Whenever he asked me the same thing, I was always doing homework in my room. Which was very, very boring compared to playing shows nearly every night to hundreds of people in countries that spoke different languages. 

"Yeah, it's been two months. You and Luke already started saying 'I love you' in your goodnight texts." She snarled, but I just ignored her. "And if they were so busy, he wouldn't have the time to text you right now."

"They're on a plane, so he doesn't have much else to do besides text me."

"Where are they flying to now?"

"He won't tell me. I think they have to be in Italy soon, though."

"God, you idiot, they're totally flying over here." She spun her pen around in her hand.

"Shut up, there's no way. They're mid-tour." I shook my head. "I'm sure Ashton will text you back when they're done touring and they fly back here, though."

"That's the problem! I don't want to just be another booty call from LA!" She snapped yet again. 

"What do you expect him to think after you slept with him a couple hours after meeting?" I mumbled, but at the same time, I read a new message from Luke.

l: *address of hotel*

l: top floor, room #16

"Oh my god, you're right. He's here!" I squealed, pushing my chair out and standing up. "Do I look fine? I have to go, like, now."

I was surprised, but I should've seen it coming. He did mention that he'd have a few days off soon. 

"So you're just going to call me a slut and then leave?" Chloe stood up and crossed her arms. I furrowed my eyebrows, surprised by her outburst. 

"Chloe, I didn't call you a slut." 

"'What do you expect him to think.' Really? That's basically calling me a slut."

"I love you, okay? I didn't mean to suggest that you were a slut. You're not." I ran to the mirror that was in the hallway to check how I looked. Luckily, we were at the mall earlier since it was a Saturday, and I still looked pretty okay. I prepped myself a bit before grabbing my purse, my phone, and my cardigan that I threw on the couch earlier. "I'm so sorry, we can study tomorrow!" I said, reaching for the door handle.

"At least I'm not the one throwing my life away for some guy." She spat, causing me to turn around.

"I'm not throwing my life away.." I defended myself. "I never had a plan for college like you did, me being with Luke hasn't changed that. And I really like him, why can't you see that?"

"I can see it perfectly clear. You like him way too much while he's probably fucking a different European girl. Every. Night." She scowled and I felt my face flush red with anger.

"You're just upset over the fact that you'll be at some boring desk job for the rest of your life while I'm having fun with my famous boyfriend." I said. After the words fell from my mouth, I realized how childish they were, but I had no time to think of a good comeback. I just wanted to see Luke.

"It's funny hearing this from the biggest prude I've ever met."

I let out a loud huff before opening the door once again and walking out. At least I wasn't the only one acting childish. She called me out for being a virgin..

Right before I slammed the door, Chloe spoke up once again.

"Oh, and it's cute that you think he'll still be your boyfriend in four years."

I stomped to my car that was in the driveway and was overly happy that I insisted I drove to her house instead of her picking me up.

k: driving now.. i can't believe you lied to me (;

l: i'm sorryyy. maybe you can punish me for it.

I blushed at his text and thought back to when he said he was bad at flirting. Bullshit, he was one of the smoothest guys I've ever talked to.

l: oh, and drive safe. you better not be texting and driving!


i hope kristen isn't on her period

wink wink



dedicated to lola (okaybutera) bc suck my ass

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