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I tugged my skirt down, feeling awkward in the tight clothes that Chloe insisted that I wore.

Because of the huge amount of people around me, it was too hot to wear the over sized cardigan that I brought along.

The month and a half that we had to wait until the concert dragged by, mainly because I had to act like I didn't care about Luke when I was around Chloe. I was developing a crush on him, but if she knew that, she would never let me live down the fact that I was making fun of his band just a few months before.

Besides Luke, my alarming number of followers on twitter and instagram definitely distracted me, making it very hard to concentrate in class and on homework. 

But that Saturday night, I got to escape from all of the stress that came with being a Senior. I got to go to a concert with my best friend. I got to be surrounded by screaming, sweating, young teenage girls.

I had never gone to a concert before, so getting in was pretty confusing. But soon we were in our seats that weren't too far from the stage. 

"Oh my god, that's the girl from the video that Luke tweeted. I bet she sucked his dick or something.." A girl who looked like she was fifteen snickered behind me to her friends. I turned my head, making eye contact with her, which quickly shut her up, but as soon as I turned my head straight, her and all her friends started to giggle. I was against confrontation because I always took too long to think of comebacks and I was always nervous about overreacting, but Chloe could care less.

"Hey, bitch, why don't you shut the hell up?" she blurted out, standing up. I almost choked, surprised by her outlash on the young girl.

When people started to stare, I buried my face in my hands. Luckily, the girl didn't really try to argue with Chloe, so she soon sat down.

"Are you serious? You're so embarrassing!" I groaned, placing my hand over my forehead as if it would shield people from seeing me.

"What?! Kris, I was defending you. A 'thank you' would be appreciated." She crossed her arms, leaning back into the not-so-comfortable chair.

"Yes, thank you so much for making everyone stare at us." I sarcastically said, not looking at her. I may have been acting childish, but so was she, right? We argued like a married couple all the time, and while I would prefer not to fight before this 'life changing experience', I couldn't just let her win.

The lights suddenly turned low as the show began. The screaming and clapping almost deafened me, but then, the four boys walked on stage and I thought that my ear drums were going to burst.

When they started playing, I was shocked. They were amazing live and had the energy to jump around stage the whole time. The drummer was still going strong even though he put so much into each pound of his drums. I got tired just watching them.

But it was hard to take my eyes off of Luke. As he jumped around the middle of the stage with his black skinny jeans and bit his lip ring when he looked over the crowd, I felt completely mesmerized.

I also felt extremely out of place since I only knew the lyrics to Amnesia and some of She Looks So Perfect and I didn't even feel like jumping around with Chloe because I was still mad at her.

Despite the out of place feeling, I still felt sad when they announced that it was their last song of the night.

When they finished singing the last song(Mrs All American), they all went up to the front of the stage and bowed.

After they left the stage, everyone started leaving, and Chloe sprung up from beside me.

"Oh god, I have to pee so bad. Come on." She whined, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the crowd to get out of the small door. I was glad that she didn't see that I was still kind of ticked off because I didn't want her to think I wasn't appreciating her gift. Because I was. Even though I might not have been acting like I was.

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