Leonardo DiCaprio - Sick Days

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*Your point of view*
The suns peeking through my curtains early on Saturday morning and I roll onto my stomach.
Ugh my head is throbbing, I cough.
I roll back onto my back and feel my forehead.
I pick up my phone and dial Leo's number.
~Phone call starts~
"Hello?" He asks groggily
"Hey Leo, it's me" I say hoarsly
"What Y/N, You are aware it's like 7:30, in the morning. On a Saturday , right?"
"Yea I know." I cough "I think I might be-" I start into a coughing fit
"Might be sick?" He finishes for me
"I'll be right over"
"Oh you don't have to come o-o-ov-" I sneeze "over"
"Y/N, Why'd you call?"
"Because I'm sick?"
"No, You called because want me to come over"
"So I'm not sick?"
He sighs "I'll be over in ten"
"Hey don't roll your eyes at me" I laugh
He laughs "See you in ten"
"Thanks" I say and hang up
~Phone call ends~
Ten minutes later Leo arrives at my house with a sack of movies and a quart of ice cream
"I'm here and I brought movies and Ice cream"
"I'm upstairs" I yell, holding my head
He comes upstairs, with two bowls of ice cream and movies
"Alright, before you eat this were going to take your temp."
"Ughhhhh" I say "Whyyyyy?"
"Come on its just for three minutes."
"Fine." I say crossing my arms
*Three minutes later*
"Hon, you have a fever"
"Leo, Babe." I say looking at him "I could've told you that."
"Right, Right."
I sigh
"What is my temperature?"
"Oh right, it's 102.3"
"Hey don't feel bad, I'm here." He says "I'm gonna make sure you have the best sick day ever."
I smile
"So what movie do you want to watch first?"
"What about 'Whats eating Gilbert Grape'?" I ask
"Of course, you'd pick that one" He laughs and puts in the VHS (I'm using a Vhs because... Well I just want to)
I slide back down into bed and Leo sits beside me, he hits play.
A couple movies later I start to doze off.
Next thing I know it's six thirty in the evening and Leo is still right beside me, Asleep.
I sit up and stretch, feeling much better, I walk down the stairs to get a drink.
I reach up to grab a cup only to have someone else reach faster and grab it. I turn around and smile.
"Hey" I say
"Hey" He says smiling "Feeling better?"
"Much." I say
He hands me the cup
"Thanks for making today the best sick day" I say setting the cup on the counter hugging him.
"Anytime, Darling, Anytime." He puts his chin on my head

---------------------------------------------------------Another Imagine, If there's anything I can do to improve this account, please let me know. 💖 Night Loves

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