Mike Seaver- You're joking Part: 1

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Y/n knocked on the door to the classroom that Mike was teaching in. It was after school so all the students had already left.

"Hello Mr. Seaver." Y/n smiled as she leaned again the door frame.

"Y/n, that makes me sound old like my dad." Mike looks up from his seat at his teacher desk, grinning. "But hello to you too Mrs. Seaver."

Y/n walked over to him as he stood up, gently kissing him. "I will never be used to being called that, I love it."

"I love calling you that." Mike ran his thumb over her cheekbone, smiling. "You look nicer than usual, what's the occasion?"

"Actually, I promised your mom we would stop by for dinner." Y/n bit her bottom lip, and looked up at him. "I'm sorry, I know you must've had a very long day but she asked and I just couldn't say no..."

"It's fine, it's fine." Mike says dropping his arms to around Y/n's waist. "I was just expecting to go home, but it's really okay. I promise."

Y/n sighed, she knew it was wrong to lie to Mike. Maggie didnt really for them to come over rather Y/n told her she had an announcement. Y/n's mind replayed the events of this afternoon.

"Are you serious, Y/n?" Carol said, excitement laced in her voice "Oh my gosh that's great, congratulations!"

"Thank you." Y/n smiled, biting her bottom lip.

"Does Mike know?" Carol asked

"No, I haven't found the right time to tell him yet."

"You need to!"

"I know! I know! I just don't know when..."

"Oh, I have an idea. Why don't you tell him this afternoon? Ben will take Mikes car home and you can pick him up, when you do that tell him then you can announce it tonight to our families, providing they're all free."

Y/n nodded "Okay, yeah okay I can do that." Y/n said as she stopped biting her lip.

"Y/n? Y/n- Earth to Y/n-"

"Huh? Oh sorry." Y/n said as she shook her head "Ready to head to your parents?"

Mike nodded, grabbing Y/n's keys from where she layed them on the desk. "I'm driving."

"Wait, wait, wait" Y/n grabbed Mikes hand right as he walked towards the door "We need to talk."

"Well that's not good..." Mike sighed as he faced his wife.

"Well it's not too bad... Really I just have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I- okay... Well you see-" Y/n wrinkled her eyebrows, sitting down on one of the desks. Mike knelt beside her, taking one of her hands.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"I-" Y/n looked down at her hand intertwined with Mikes, then at him face in his eyes. "I'm pregnant."

"You're what?"


"You're joking, right?"

Y/n shook her head slowly "No..."

"Wow." Mike stood up, running a hand through his hair as he started pacing the floor "Um, okay, Uh, you know we should probably head to my parents. Yeah probably, let's go."

With nothing else, Mike walked out of the classroom.

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