Ponyboy Curtis- Hold my hand, would ya?

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Requested by: Squish98 sorry it's bad and so long.

Y/n was hanging out in the lot with Johnny, waiting for Ponyboy to get there.

Darry told Ponyboy he couldn't leave till after dinner and that he had to be back before ten.

Knowing Ponyboy, that wasn't gonna happen but Pony was okay risking the consequences if it meant hanging out with Y/n for just a bit longer.

In the near distance, footsteps could be heard, signaling Ponys arrival.

Johnny put out his cigarette, standing up and wiping his hands on his jeans, offering a helping hand to Y/n, which she accepted.

"Hey Y/n. Hey Johnny" Ponyboy says once he reached the lot "Gotta light?" He asks Johnny.

"Hey, whaddya say we go hang out at the park?" Johnny says

"Yeah, I'm good with that" Y/n says, picking her jean jacket up off the ground, shrugging it on.

"Sure" Ponyboy says, extending his hand that wasn't holding a cigarette out towards Y/n, signaling for her to take it.

Y/n crossed her arms, shaking her head. "You know I hate when you smoke, when all of you smoke, but you most of all."

"I know, I know, but come on, just hold my hand, will ya?"

"No" Y/n states, shaking her head again. "Not til you put it out"

Johnny watched them, smiling slightly. He, along with the rest of the gang, wanted them to get together already, they already act like a married couple.

"Awh come on, I just lit it." Ponyboy whines

"It doesn't matter, I'm not holding your hand." The girl says, starting to walk towards the park.

Ponyboy instantly threw down the cigarette, stomping it out before jogging to catch up with Y/n.

"Now will you hold my hand?"

"No" She says, trying not to smile.

"What- Why? I put it out"

"I know." Y/n says, keeping her arms crossed.

Pony caught on to her game and he tucked his hands into his pockets "Well... I guess if you won't hold my hands... That means..."

Y/n knew what was coming next and she froze dead in her tracks "No, Ponyboy Curtis don't you-"

"The tickle monster is going to have to pay a visit" He lunges at the girl, laughing as she broke out into a full run, never stopped til she reached the grassy area of the park, stopping to catch her breath, only to be tackled by Ponyboy.

He starts mercilessly tickling her

"Stop, please. I'll hold your hand just stop" She says between laughs

He rolls off her and helps her up "Alright, I guess that works" He says

Johnny watched the whole ordeal, smiling.

The trio climbed up the jungle gym, Y/n in the middle, Pony on her left and Johnny on the right.

Everything was calm and peaceful... For a while at least.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" A voice says, causing them to turn around.

A group of six socs were gathered around them.

"What do you want?" Y/n asked, rolling her eyes

"We wanna have some fun." A different voice says

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