Jonathan Brandis - Why do you like her

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*Your point of view*
Today has been a bad day. For more then one reason.
At first I woke up only to discover there was no milk for my cereal. Then I went to the bus stop to wait for the school bus only to be drenched in mud by a passing vehicle, So I had to go home and change causing me to miss the bus.
So I walked- well actually ran to school only to be late for first period. Which caused me to get detention. Up until fourth period was fine but fourth period is gym. Nothing good ever happens because of gym. I tripped and hurt my wrist, but not enough to go home for the day apparently. After that was lunch, where some kid ran into my tray causing it to spill on me. So I had to change back into my gym clothes. After detention I went home only to be greeted by an empty house.
Now I'm sitting at home watching a movie on T.V. Alone. I start to doze off when someone knocks on the door startling me.
I get up to see who it is.
It's my best friend, the boy I've known since birth, my partner in crime and my crush... Also the guy who is unaware of being my crush.
I open the door.
"Oh hey, Jon, Come in" I say stepping aside so he can come in
"Hey Y/N" He says "Are you doing anything tonight?"
"Um... No not that I can think of" I raise an eyebrow "Why?"
"Wanna come to a party with me?"
"Will Cindy be there?" I ask sitting down on the couch, crossing my arms.
"Then No." I say
"C'mon, Why not?"
"Sit down it might be a while."
"Why don't you like Cindy?" He asks sitting in the chair across from me.
"No, I think the real question is why do you like her." I say
"Y/N don't be like this."
"Like what?"
"Like this. You always get mad when Cindy is mentioned and when she's around. You hate her for no apparent reason, You-"
"No" I say cutting him off "I have a reason to hate her. Wanna know what it is? I hate her for stealing you away from me. I hate her for taking the one person who I thought actually cared about me, away from me. Jonathan if that's not reason enough I don't know what would be."
My eyes start to water.
Jonathan looks down
"You should probably go" I sniff and wipe my eyes
"Jonathan, I'm serious, I think it'd be best if you-"
"Y/N, I like you not Cindy." I stop talking when he says that "Cindy was just someone to get me to stop thinking about you. And honestly it didn't work. Y/N I like you. I've liked you for so long you'd think I'm crazy if I told you." He laughs " And had you let me finish earlier, you would've know I broke up with her, which Is why I asked if you wanted to go with me."
"Woah, woah, woah" I say shocked "You- you like, like me?"
He looks down "Yea I like you like you." He blushes
"You like me when you could have someone like Cindy?" I say "You know Tall, blonde, flawless skin, never a hair out of place?"
"Y/N, Cindy is boring." He says grabbing my hand "She's an air head. I'd rather date someone who has that natural beauty, who doesn't care what people think, and who has book smarts. Then someone like her."
"Oh" I say
"Oh?" He laughs
"Yea...." I smile
"So what about that party Miss. Y/L/N?" He askes
"It'd be my honor to go with you Mr.Brandis"
After that my day got a whole lot bettet

So this is the first chapter....please let me know what you think.

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