Corey Haim - Hey, new girl.

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I look at the piece of paper in my hand room 30-
I run into someone and drop my books
"Oh, I'm so sorry" I say as I bend down to pick up my dropped books
"Oh its ok don't sweat it" The voice also bends down to help get my books
After all my books were picked up we stand, I look into his Blue eyes
"I'm Corey, Corey Haim." He extends his hand
"Y/N Y/L/N" I say taking his hand and shaking it.
"Ah enchanté mademoiselle"
"Oh tu parles français aussi? C'est génial." I say
"Ughhh Oui?" He says
I laugh
Oh I need to get to class,Do you know where room 309 is?" I ask
"Actually that's where my next class is, I can walk you there, if you'd like?"
"That'd be awesome, thanks."
We walk to class and when we get there he opens the door for me.
"Thank you" I smile
We walk into the room and take a seat, he sits behind me.
Class starts
It seems like the class is going on forever
While working on our problems I get a note
"Hey New girl I think your (spelt 'you're' this way on purpose) cute, what do you say you n me go on a date tomorrow ?
Yes - smile No - do a back flip - Darren"
I look at the note, I can tell Coreys reading over my shoulder, so I stand up, and walk to the teacher. I hand her the note and wait for her to read it.
She nods.
I walk up to the middle of the class, they all look at me, and I do a backflip. Then walk back to my seat.
"That was Awesome" Corey whispers
"Thanks, I didn't take five years of gymnastics for nothing" I whisper back laughing quietly
The rest of the day went by fairly well. I have three other classes with Corey, not counting Studyhall, which is last period.
We walk out of school and head to the parking lot
When we reach our the parking lot I start to walk towards my car
"Hey, New girl" Corey says "Since you're free tomorrow night what do you say we go out?"
I do a backflip.
He looks down disappointed
"Only this time it means yes." I say smiling
He looks up at me and smiles
"Great, pick you up at 6?"
"Sound like a plan."

_______________________________________ I love this pic of him ❤

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