Edward Furlong

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samantha878899 sorry for the delay, Hope you enjoy.

Written in first person.

First period

I walked into English class, tossing my backpack down carelessly. I sat down, slouching, trying to make myself less visible.

I give anything in the world to be ignored by, Edward Furlong, also known as the biggest jerk in school, he was only known that by me, but still.

Class started and, per usual, Edward came roaming in like he didn't have a care in the world.

"Hey Y/n," Edward flicked my arm as he sat down. "Still styling your hair the same I see."

"Oh hey Edward, still not brushing your teeth, I see."

Edward rolled his eyes, not letting my comeback hender him from trying to continue the conversation.

"So, saw your mom last night, yeah we had a good time, really fun-"

"Oh really now? I didn't know you still needed a babysitter."

"Excuse me," The Teacher looked at Edward and I, raising an eyebrow. "Is there a problem?"



"Edward won't let me listen to you-"

"Y/n is insulting me." 

"I am sick of you two not cooperating in class, detention for the both of you."




I tapped my pencil on the edge my desk, detention started only fifteen minutes ago and I was already bored out of my mind.

Aside from me, and Edward, King of the jerks, there was no one. He sat in his seat, slouched. His head was bent forward and he was snoring quietly.

The teacher, who had left the room a good ten minutes ago, demanded that everyone sit in the front row for detention, unless there was too many people, then the front row and each after.

So, unfortunately, I had to sit by him.

I rolled my eyes, the sound of his snoring annoying me to no end. I rip out a piece of paper from my notebook and crumple it up, throwing it at him.

It nails him in the side of the head. He sat up with a start, glaring at me, as I tried to contain my laughter.

He continued to glare at me, but I ignored him, going back to my history work.

"Psst, hey." Edward whispered, leaning over on his desk, towards me.

I wrote down the answer for question twelve, pausing momentarily before moving on the the next question. A few minutes passed.

"Hey, Y/l/n." He whispered again. I rolled my eyes before looking at him, less than amused.

"Is there something you would like to say, Furlong?" 

"Yeah, what's the answer for question three?"

"Oh yeah, the answer is: stay awake."

"Oh, and I suppose answer four must be: Y/n doesn't know how to socialize."

"Yeah, and answer five is: Edward can't keep away from girls-" I rolled my eyes, leaning towards him in my seat at I looked at him,

"So answer six is Y/n couldn't get a date to the up coming dance even if she asked everyone." He leaned towards me too, looking at me intensely.

"Don't forget answer seven, Y/n doesn't want to go because guys like Edward would be there, but Y/n is still going."

"Edward isn't going, and even if he was payed he wouldn't because Y/n would be there as well. Answer eight."

"Nine, Y/n is going because you just said you wouldn't be there." Right now, Edward and I were very close, way too close.

"Ten, Edward is asking Y/n to go with him…"

"Y/n said yes, eleven."

"Twelve, Edward will pick Y/n up at seven."

"Thirteen- wait, what just happened?"


"No, no, stop that. It's weird."

"You just agreed to go out with me…" Edward leaned back in his seat, and so did I..

"I don't feel like dying…"

"Neither do I…"

"Wow…" We both said in unison.

"I guess I'll pick you up at eight on Friday then…"

"Yeah, I guess you will."

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