Mike Seaver- You're joking Part: Two

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Quietly, Y/n followed Mike out into the parking lot, getting into the passenger side of her car.

As Mike pulled out into the road he reached for Y/n's hand, to which she pulled away and faced the window. Mike sighed, knowing he just screwed things up.

They reached his house and got out. He looked at Y/n who had fixed a realistic fake smiles on her lips "Wow, why did you never go into acting?" Mike whispered as he walked up to the house beside her.

Ignoring her husband's remark, she glared at him. "Even though you obviously wish I wasn't pregnant, I am announcing it tonight. I can't hide it forever and I'm not getting an abortion so you might as well just accept it." With that, Y/n was in the house.

Mike stood back, shoving his hands in his pockets and rolling his eyes. He groaned, running a hand over his face as he gripped the railing on the porch. 

Dr. Seaver walked out, closing the door behind him. He walked over to his son, placing his hands on the railing. "Something wrong?"

"No- no, I mean, yeah." Mike sighed "Y/n's pregnant."

"Well that's great- whats the issue?" Dr. Seaver's smile faltered momentarily

"Dad, I can't support a child- I can barely support her and I." Mike pushed himself from the railing, stepping back. "This wasn't even in her plan. We didn't want children-"

"I think I'm missing what the issue is." His dad said "So what? You have an unexpected child. I mean, it's kinda your fault for-"

"Dad, dad, dad I get it, I get it." Mike wrinkled his nose.

"Look, go in there, be with your wife. It'll just take some time getting used to."

Reluctantly, Mike followed his father inside the house, seeing Y/n, her family, and his family, all sitting there ready to eat.

Dinner passed rather slowly for Mike and Y/n but it passed rather enjoyably for everyone else. Soon, when dinner was finished, Y/n stood up.

Mike remained seated.

Grinning brightly, albeit a rather fake smile, Y/n sighed happily "I have an announcement..."

After a small, dramatic pause, Y/n clasped her hands together. "I'm pregnant!"

There was a round of gasps and cheers as everyone stood up and interacted in hugs. Congratulations were exclaimed as everyone except Mike smiled.

Mike pushed away from his spot at the table and stood up. "I think I- I think I need some fresh air."

Before anyone could react, Mike was out the door and, although no one knew, in his car with the key in the ignition.

Back in the house Y/n sighed. "He didn't take it too well earlier." She shook her head as Carol and a few others fummed with anger.

Carol hastily jogged out of house, instantly seeing her older brother in his car. She tapped the window and Mike rolled it down "I can't believe you, how are you not happy?"

"We aren't ready-"

"Ready? All I've heard since you had started dating her is how you wanted a family with her. Now that that's happening you aren't ready?"

"Look Carol, I don't need your judgment okay? I get it. She's happy to be pregnant but I'm not ready to be a dad. It's too official." He turned on the car

"What are you doing? Where are you going?"

"I don't know." Mike looked straight ahead. "I don't know."

Mike shifted the car into drive and took off, leaving Carol in the snow, looking at the car that got smaller and smaller with each passing second.

She went back inside, her arms crossed over her chest as Y/n frowned.

"He left, didn't he." It wasn't a question, rather a statement. Y/n sighed as she sat back down.

The next couple hours were spent waiting for Mike to return and comfortable Y/n. When she saw how late it was, she decided to go to her house. Mrs. Seaver asked if she would rather stay but Y/n declined.

Thirty minutes later, Y/n pulled into her driveway. Walking in her house, after closing the door she turned on the T.V, settling down on the couch, resting her hand on her stomach.

The door swung open, hitting the wall as a shadowy figure walked in.

"Y/n..." He whispered as he hastily rushed over to his wife, kneeling down infront of her. "I'm sorry... I was a jerk. I did want a family, especially with you and when you told me... The realization that this is real and I'm not ready to be a father hit me... It scared me... I scared me so bad Y/n... I'm sorry."

"Mike... I'm scared too... Really scared. Trust me. I'm not ready to be a mom... This whole thing is just as scary for me as it is for you."


Y/n nodded, smiling slightly. "Yeah... I guess we both have some preparing to do before these babies come..."

"Did- did you say babies?..."

"Crap... Yeah... I wasn't sure if the home pregnancy tests were right so I went to the doctor... They could already tell it was twins..."



"Well... This is slightly frightening."

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