Jason Dean- Cigarette and liquor bottles

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She sat there, flipping her lighter open then snapping it shut.

Her feet propped up on the table infront of her, leaning against JD.

He had his arm around her,  occasionally waving his pointer finger through the flame, earning a small, scoff like chuckle from her.

She hated him with a passion, a passion that some how made her like him.

She picked up a napkin off the table, holding it near the flame

It started to smoke, slowly catching fire, right as the principal walked by.

He called her by her last name, demanding she put out the flame as it wasn't allowed in school.

"Yeah?" She girl retorted "So I suppose this-" She reached into JD's jacket pocket, pulling out a cigarette, sticking it loosely between her lips, lighting it. "Is wrong too, sir?"

The girl took a drag from the freshly lit cigarette, inhaling then exhaling slowly.

The principal looked at her, not used to anyone testing him. Most people shook with fear at the sight of him, only one other student acted like she was right now, and that was the boy behind her.

"I see his negative influence has impacted you majorly." The principal crossed his arms.

"Why I wouldn't say negative, sir. In fact,"  She kicked her feet down, leaning forward resting her elbows on her knees, Jason's arm slipping for her shoulders. "I'd say it's been a rather good experience."

The whole time, JD just sat there. That stupid grin smeared across his face.

That stupid grin the girl loved so much. But hated too.

"You know very well, smoking, use of an open flame, and drinking on school grounds are all prohibited-"

"Ahh, I knew I was forgetting something" The young female reached into her boot, pulling out a miniature bottle of vodka. She opened the cap, flicking it off, taking a sip. "Okay, as you were saying?"



"You're expelled, meaning you're no longer allowed on the premises."

"Cute" The girl raised her eyebrows letting out a laugh.

"Doll, he's basically giving you permission to not show up for class. Take it." JD piped in

She sighed "Okay, Okay. I suppose"

She stood up "But since I've broken, what? Three rules? Might as well break more."  She made a quick movement, bending down to have a quick makeout session with Jason. "I know how you hate PDA, Principal Gowan."

Standing straight, she picked up the bottle of Vodka, taking a swig before pushing it into the principals chest "Looks like you need this more than I do, Ciao."

With JD's arm around her, they let out a quiet chuckle, before they left the cafeteria, she turned around, flipping of the principal.

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