Leonardo DiCaprio - Hurt Ankles

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Crutches suck. That's all I have to say about them. My armpits are bruised and my core hurts from having to swing myself forward. It doesn't help that my ankle hurts either.

After maneuvering my way up the four front stairs to Leo's house, I tap on the door with the bottom of crutch. Once I had knocked, I turned around a somehow managed to give my guardian, who drove me, a small wave as they drove away.

The blonde boy opened the door rather quickly, offering to help me inside. I declined, not trying to be rude, I just found it easier when someone wasn't trying to help.

"How's your ankle?" Leo asked as he propped my leg up with a pillow on the coffee table.

"Hurts." I sigh leaning back after I layed my crutches on the floor. "But not as much as it did last night."

He nods, sitting down beside me. "Remind me what happened again?"

"We had to play volleyball for P.E. yesterday and the game got a little rough, so when I dug for a ball I fell as someone else fell on my ankle."

"Man, that sucks. Kinda bummed I missed that." Leo teased.

"Okay one, I have crutches and I will use them for more than walking" I glare "And two, had you just let me come over on Monday when you were sick I could have avoided this. Then I wouldn't be threatening you with crutches."

"Okay, okay. Lesson learned." Leo chuckled quietly, holding his hands up in surrender. "I'll call you the next time I'm sick."

"Good." I nod, crossing my arms. "But I still say this is your fault and I'm going to be bitter about that forever" I said teasingly

Leo stands up "Want anything to drink?"

"No thanks, I'm good."

Leo leaves then returns with a water bottle, as he walked over to the couch, his foot got caught under the rug. He fell and rolled over after a second, a look of pain and shock on his face.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" A few breathy laughs escaped my mouth even though I tried to look as concerned as I felt, which even though I didn't show it, I was extremely concerned.

"I think I sprained my ankle." Leo sat up. Grabbing my crutches, I stand up, walking over to him.

I try to help him stand up but he couldn't. Sighing, I called for his mom. She came in and told us that he definitely sprained his ankle.

I handed Leo one of my crutches, grinning "Here."

He took it and hopped out to the car. Leo's mom drove us to the hospital where they wrapped Leo's ankle, giving him crutches.

As they wrapped his ankle, I shook my head and laughed "I think I can manage to forgive you for not getting me sick."

Leo shook his head, chuckling "Good, I couldn't stand you being bitter at me."

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