Marty Mcfly - 2015 pt 2

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(This will be different from the movies)

"Welcome to the year 2015" Doc says
I look down
"Why the hell are we not on the ground?" I ask worriedly
"Like I said. We don't need roads."
I look out the window
"Get me on the ground, right now" I demand
Doc maneuvers around buildings then parks in an ally
Marty opens the door and I nearly push him out
"Woah woah woah, chill" He says
"I do not like flying in a vehicle that's supposed to stay on the ground." I say crossing my arms
"Obviously" Marty mumbles
"Alright" Doc says "You stay here while Marty and I straighten things out."
"Ok" I say, normally I'd oppose but I feel like I'm about to faint
Marty and Doc walk away after putting Marty in some futurist clothes
I take deep breaths
In the span of ten minutes I found out Marty and I have kids together in the future, cars don't need roads and 2015 is way different than the 80s.
I breathe in feeling dizzy
I try to walk to go sit but don't get far.
Everything goes black.

- Martys Pov -

"Wow, who would've thought that Y/N, my best friend, and I would have kids together some day......" I think to myself "This is heavy"
Doc and I keep walking till we reach a diner.
"Make sure you stay away from your future self" Doc says
I tell him I will.
Then I walk in myself, I take a seat.
"Oh hey bro, What can I get you?" a girl says... Odd she looks kinda like Y/N
"Huh?" I ask
"What do you want MJ?"
"Yea, that's you dumb dumb." She says rolling her eyes "Remember? It stands for 'Marty Junior'. After Dad."
"Oh yea right" I play along "I'll take a Pepsi free"
"If you want anything your gonna have to pay for it" She say
"Oh uhh right, just some water would be good."
The girl looks at me with a look I've only ever seen one person give me... The creator of that look. Y/N
I think I'm gonna faint
"This is heavy" I mutter
"You're starting to sound like dad."
I look at her speechless
I eventually just shrug
She hands me the water.
"Woah you never said thanks before, you feeling alright little bro?"
"Oh uh yea" I say "I gotta get going"
I get up and run out the door
When I get a safe distance away from the diner I slow down.
I see a kid who looks exactly like a younger me.
"That must be MJ" I whisper
He walks down the street and I decided to follow him.
After a few minutes at following him he walks into a house, I can only assume he lives there cause he just walked right in.
"Technical this is my house too.... So it wouldn't be wrong for me to go in either" I say to myself, walking to the door.
I open it and walk in.

- Your Pov -

My eyes open and I instantly close them again cause of the brightness.
Groaning, I put my hands to me head.
"Oh great, you're up mom, and I thought you and dad weren't getting back until tomorrow" A young female voice says
"You're home early"
"I'm sorry, did you call me mom?"
"Last time I checked that's what you were to me" She says sarcasticly
Oh that's definitely my daughter
"Right, right" I say
"Can we get pizza for dinner?"
"Uh go ask your- sure why not" I say sitting up
"Awesome, I'll tell MJ and Blair to go get some drinks, and I'll order pizza"
She leaves the room and I stand up, holding my head.
Marty rushes in
"Oh thank god you're ok" He says, out of breath "And on a side note,Did you know we have two kids?"
"Three" I say quietly, in a slight daze
"We have three kids"
"Woah this is heavy" He says his eyes going wide
I nod
"I can't believe this." I say "I mean honest who would've thought you and I would end up together....."
I look at him, then he looks at me.
"Mom, Dad. Pizzas here" Someone yells
"Well... We better go down stairs"  I say looking away
I head down the stairs, Marty follows.
We sit at the table and eat,  all three kids there too.
I notice how the identical the two girls look
"Maddi hand me the ranch" 
"Ask nicely Blair" Maddi says
Blair sighs "Please hand me the ranch"
I chuckle
After dinner we stand up and walk to the living room
"We gotta get back to doc" I whisper to Marty
"Yea, yea"
"Hey kids, there was an issue and you're father and I have to go back out of town, we should be back by tomorrow." 
"Ok" They all say
"Stay out of trouble"  I say as we walk out the door
"You're such a mom" He says laughing
"Oh shut up" I roll my eye chuckling
We get back to doc and get in the DeLorean, and head back to the past.

- Back to the past -
- Martys Pov -

We get back to the past and get out at my house
"Hey, Y/N, I've been thinking." I say "Well, since we already know we end up together,  what would you say to a date Friday?" 
"I'd love that Marty." She says smiling
"Oh awesome"  I say "Wanna hang out?"
We walk inside and watch movies for the rest of the night.


Part two done

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