River Phoenix - Whats wrong with being nice?

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As River and I sit in the car waiting for the traffic light to change from red to green I look out my window.

I look at the light, tapping my fingers impatiently. The light turns green. But the person in front of us didn't move.

I sit there for a few seconds before turning my head towards River.

"You know honking never killed anyone" I say

"You know a little patience never killed anyone either."

"I actually think it has" I roll my eyes, by this time cars behind us are honking.

I reach over River and honk the horn.

The person in front of us looks up and sticks his hand out the window, flipping us off.

I move my head out the window and flip him off yelling "Same to you buddy"

I move my head back in the window rolling it up. "You're too nice sometimes, you know that right?"

"What's wrong with being nice?"

"What's wrong with being nice? The real question is what isn't wrong with being nice."

"What do you mean?" He says softly

"Nevermind, forget it" I cross my arms

"No please, tell me" He places a hand my leg

I hesitate " If you're nice you get taken advantage of. People rely on you for everything, they use you, you start to get to where you can't say no, being nice gets you hurt, being nice isn't something anyone should be. Everyone should just not be nice, so no one gets hurt or taken advantage of. "

"Is that really why you think being nice is a bad thing?" He asks gently

"No I know that's why being nice is a bad thing"

"It's not bad to be nice sometimes you know. In fact it's rather.... Nice" He says smiling slightly at his joke

I roll my eyes "It's a bad thing when half the world expects you to be nice"

"Well what about the other half"

"They expect you to be mean"

"And you are?"

"In the middle" I state "I can be nice when I want to... Or when I try....and you know that. But I can also be mean when I choose. And sitting here at a green light, which means go incase you're confused like that guy was, while everyone else is waiting impatiently and we have already waited a minute, is when I choose to be mean"

"Hmm.... I can see your point"

"Man I'd hope so, I'm outta breath now" I chuckle "My point is, is that there's a time to be nice, a time to be mean, and a time to be in-between,and sitting at a green light is a moment to be mean."



"I love you."

"I love you too Phoenix."

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