Marty Mcfly - 2015 pt. 1

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(I'm going to try and make this similar to the movie where they go to 2015, might add some different things, but... Yea)

I look at my watch, As we arrive back to his house in the current time. We walk inside.
Everything looked the same... Except Biff, who was wearing a yellow tracksuit
And Martys dad, George, was yelling at him.... Odd. In my whole time of knowing the Mcfly family I never once heard him raise his voice.
I lean over a whisper to Marty
"Wow. I don't think I ever heard your dad raise his voice... Not even to you who makes people wanna raise their voice twenty four seven."
He glares at me "Rude,  but yea you're right."
His dad gets done yelling at Biff, and Biff goes to walk outside.
"Oh hello Mr.Mcfly, Miss. Y/L/N" He nods at us
"Umm... Hello..." I say cautiously
I look at Marty confused
"Oh hey children" Says Mr.Mcfly
"Hey Mr. Mcfl-" He cuts me off
"Now how many times have I told you to call me George?" He asks
Before I can answer Mrs. Mcfly walks in
"And call me Lorraine" She says
"Right, right.... Uh yea, sorry." I say
Martys brother and sister walks in.
He makes a comment about the truck being totalled
"Woah when did that happen?" His brother asks
"No, it's not, Biff is out there right now polishing it." He says looking out the screen door, yelling something at Biff
Marty runs outside and I follow him. We get out there and Biff walks away.
Marty goes to the garage "Wow"  He says
All of a sudden there's a loud noise we both turn around to see the DeLorean parked in Martys drive.
"Woah doc, What are you doing here?" He asks
"I'm here to bring you to the future" 
"What? We just got back from the past."
"Yours and Y/N's kid got in some trouble."
I look at Marty, then at doc, back at Marty, then back at doc.
"You mean kids, right?" I ask "Like His kid and my kid?"
"No I meant what I said."
My eyes go wide
"This is heavy" Marty and I say at the same time
"Well?" Doc asks "What are you guys waiting for? Get in"
We get in and I sit between Marty and Doc, I get really quite.
"Don't act like having kids with me is the worst thing possible Y/N" Marty say
"Oh I'm not.... Just curious."  I say "Hey Doc what happened to Jennifer?"
"It's a long story." Doc says as he puts the car in reverse, backing up.
"I think we have time." I say
"I think Marty should tell you...."
"Why would he kno-" Marty cuts me off
"She cheated on me." He says "She cheated on me, then broke up with me, Right before we left for the past."
"Oh.... Marty I'm sorry... I didn't know."
"Hold on tight" Says Doc
"Doc what are you doing the road ends" Marty exclaims
"Marty, Where we're going we don't need roads."
My eyes go wide
"Great, we're gonna die. I'm gonna throw up then we're gonna die" I say putting my elbows on my knees and head in my hands
Marty puts a hand on my making small circular motions, something he always does to calm me down.
I breathe in and out
Suddenly there's a bright flash
"Welcome to the year 2015"


Yikes this is bad.

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