Mike Seaver - Study tips

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"Oh Lucy I'm home" I yell walking into the Seaver household, late one Saturday morning.

"Hey Y/n, how are you today?" Mr. Seaver asks chuckling

"Can't complain, you?"

"I can't complain either."

"Mike here?" I ask "I'm supposed to help him with his history homework."

"Yea in his room." He says waving his hand in that direction "Wait, is the school making you help him? Or did he ask?"

"Well the school is making him be tutored but he requested me." I shrug

"Ohhhhh ok" He says "Well go on up, you know what room it is."

I smile at him then dash up the stairs, I almost bump into Carol when I reach the top step.

"Oops sorry." I says

"Oh hey, What are you doing here?" She asks



"No, Mike."

She has a questioning look on her face.

"School is forcing him to have a tutor." I explain

"Ooooh ok."

"Is he still asleep?" I ask


I nod my head towards his room. "Watch this." I smile mischievously.

I tip toe over to his room and open the door, Carol following close behind.

Carefully I put one knee on his bed the say sweetly: "Ohh Mikeeee"

"Oh Y/n, not now" He says in the same tone

I grab a pillow and hit him over the head "MIKE"

He screams and falls off the bed

"Well hello sleeping beauty" I chuckle, sitting down on his bed

"You need to stop doing this." He says putting his hand to his chest, clutching his shirt.

"Why? Its fun." I laugh

He glares at me. "What are you doing here."



"No, You, remember? The school. Suspension. Me being forced to do this."

"Oh yea" He says getting up and sitting on the bed "You make this seem like it's a bad thing"

I roll my eyes "You make it seem like it's not."

"Heyyyy, what's so wrong about spending a day studying with me?"

"The fact that in a day, we cover nothing." I say, leaning against him.

He laughs "We could uncover things?" He suggests, jokingly.

I roll my eyes, then grab my history book, open it then plop it down in his lap.

"Look this page over, then I will quiz you on it." I tell him, grabbing my science book and turning to the page to start on my homework.

"Couldn't we just not?"


"Why notttttt" He whines

"Because if I get even one grade below a 'B' in anything except algebra, my parents are going to ground me from everything I love."

"So that mean you wouldn't be able to come over to my house anymore?"

"Who ever said I love you?"

"It's obvious, you obviously love me. But who am I to talk, I love you too."

I roll my eyes "Lets just study, please.

"I will once you say you love me back"

"Listen, I'll make you a deal. For each correct answer you make, if we start studying right now and I quiz you,I'll give you a kiss. Each wrong answer you have to pay me Five buck. Each."

"You have yourself a deal." He sticks his hand out for me to shake.

After a while Mike owed me ten bucks and I had kissed him eighteen times.

Last question he answers, when I leaned in to kiss him, his Dad walked in.

"Oh sorry, I thought you two were supposed to be studying."

"We are." Mike says "For your information I got eighteen answers correct, eighteen"

Dr. Seaver looks at me Then him, then back at me.

"He's telling the truth." I say. "I also mad ten bucks."

Dr. Seaver looks at me in a questioning manner

"I found a way to make Mike study and learn."

"Maybe I should start using that."

"I don't think you'd be into his reward.." I laugh

"Good point." He says "I'll let you two get back to studying."

We laugh as he leaves.

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