Jonathan Brandis - She's your what?

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I'm out at the store picking up food for tonight.
Tonight is mine and Jonathan's two year anniversary.
I decide on spaghetti with garlic bread.
I go to check out, only to have one of the magazines catch my eye.
I pick it up and examine the cover
My eyes go wide as I realize that it's Jonathan on the cover, Jonathan and another girl.
Jonathan is kissing another girl.
I throw it on the conveyer belt with my other items, I keep my head low.
I purchase the food and magazine and head out to my car.
I put the the food in the back of the car and walk around to the drivers seat clutching the magazine furiously.
I get in and put the key in the ignition, but don't start it.
I look at the cover more throughly.
"Does Jonathan Brandis have a new girl?"
"What happened to Y/N?"
"Jonathan Brandis' mystery girl.
"Read more on page 5"
The front page read
I rip open the pages to page 5and scan the paragraphs
"Jonathan Brandis was seen kissing another girl, who isn't his long time girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N, Is the couple no more? Or is Mr. Brandis keeping a secret?"
I throw the magazine into the passenger seat, willing myself to not cry or scream.
I start the car and pull out of the parking lot, driving to Jonathan's house, which we shared.
I get there and park, grab the magazine, then I get the bags.
I walk into the house, since the door wasn't locked I assumed Jonathan was home.
I walk into the kitchen, walking right past Jon, who was sitting at the breakfast nook.
"Hey babe" Jonathan says happily
I ignore him
"Whats wrong?" He asks
I put the bags on the counter,  turn on my heel, still holding the magazine, and walk over to him.
I throw the magazine in front of him on the table.
Before he had time to ask what it was I was on my way upstairs.
I got upstairs and could hear Jonathan following me, I rush in the room and lock the door.
"Let me explain"  I hear him say whilst he bangs on the door "Please let me explain" 
I go to the closet and grab a couple  suitcases, then proceed to calmly stuff my clothes in them.
He keeps banging on the door
"It's not what it looked like" He says
"Oh so you didn't kiss her?" I ask in a sassy way
"Well... No...  I did, bu-"
"I don't care Brandis" I stop packing "The fact is,  is that you kissed her." 
He stops banging
I go back to packing and when I finish I grab the suitcases, then put one down to unlock the door, and open it and pick the other one back up.
I look to my left and see Jonathan,  crying with his hands in his hair.
"Y/N you gotta let me explain"  He says sniffing and standing up
I think for a second
Then sigh "Ok, you got three seconds."
"Yes I kissed her, but only because she's my new co-star, it was in the script. This picture is a piece from the Movie, we filmed some scenes in town, the paparazzi must have been around and decided to cause drama" He explains all in one breath hurriedly. "Please you gotta believe me."
My eyes go wide
"I'm sorry she's your what?" I ask
"She's my co-star"
I drop my bags and my left hand goes to my face,  covering it in a facepalm. 
"I'm so stupid"  I say groaning "I remember you telling me about the new movie a couple weeks ago." 
He laughs
"But why would they put a pic from the movie?"  I ask uncovering my face
"My guess is to make this happen. So they have some real drama for next week."
"I am so sorry, I should've just asked you"  I say
"Honestly I probably would've done the same."
We laugh
"Promise me" He says walking close to me and holding my arms "That you'll ask for an explanation,  if this ever happens again"
"I promise"  I lean in and kiss him
We pull apart
"Man, I'm hungry,  what do you say we cook dinner?"
"Ok, but only if I'm in charge of the bread." I say "I don't want you setting it on fire like last time."
"Oh my god, that was one time"
"No it was one time setting it on fire."  I say as we walk to the kitchen "Just accept the fact you can't cook bread"
He rolls his eyes
An hour later dinner is done, we go sit at the table, and start to eat.
"Happy anniversary babe" I say
"Happy anniversary darling"


I couldn't think of any imagine ideas so.... Yea this is whatcha got. Lol

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